
Welcome to Uffington Parish Council

Councillors: Yvonne Waterfall (Chair), Barrie Brown (Vice Chair), Darren Barratt, Barrie Church, Susan Genever-Jones and Simon Carr

     Clerk: Mrs K Turner

     Email:  uffingtonpc1@gmail.co.uk

The Uffington Parish Council is made up of seven elected members who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to a detailed annual audit.

The Council employs one part time Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer for four hours a week.

Meetings of the Uffington Parish Council are held every six to eight weeks. These are held in Uffington Village Hall on the below dates in 2025 all to be held at 7pm. Please note that these dates and times are subject to change so please check the website and noticeboard

Tuesday 25th February

Monday 7th April

Tuesday 27th May

Monday 7th July

Monday 18th August

Monday 6th October

Monday 1st December


Residents may attend full council meetings and may speak briefly on village matters if this is authorised by the councillors.

For all enquiries about this website or content, please contact the Uffington Parish Clerk at UffingtonPC1@gmail.com