Agenda Dec 2021


Agenda for Meeting of Parish Council to be held in Uffington Village Hall at 19:30 on Wednesday 8th December 2021

Associated papers will be made available on request to


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of minutes – Comments: Cllr Sheehan for minutes to read -Amendments to the rules of allotment agreement are to be applied prospectively
  3. Matters Arising

30 mph sign on Casewick lane damaged – LCC reports works are scheduled

No road markings on Greatford Rd – LCC reports works are being investigated

Casewick Lane potholes – LCC will only repair if they are over 40mm. They will continue to check the road

Fingerpost in the village is being dealt with by Stewart Scott at LCC and has confirmed they will not be removing the old current post

Clerk is in contact with The Woodland Trust on ordering the tree for Queens platinum jubilee

Playground project update – Site visit held on Monday 22/11/21

  1. SLCC Membership – LALC newsletter dated 23.11.21 highlighted benefits of being a member. Cost to PC would be £5.00 initial joining fee and £80.00 annual subscription. Council to consider membership
  2. Allotment rental – To discuss and set allotment rental
  3. Extension of Footpath along Greatford Road – For discussion regarding request to be put to LCC Highways again
  4. Alteration of Speed limit along Stamford Main Road from 50mph to 40mph –For discussion on request to be put to LCC highways
  5. Speedwatch Group Hall hire cost – full council to agree on expenditure of hall hire for 2-3 meetings a year
  6. Mallard Pass Solar Farm – update
  7. Reports from outside bodies
  8. Accounts
  9. Precept
  10. Declaration of interest
  11. Planning

S21/2283 - Mr and Mrs M Webster - Willowbrook , Greatford Road, Uffington, PE9 4SS

Erection of detached bungalow.

S21/2243 – Mrs Sophie Cornish - Old Shop Cottage, 61 Main Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SN

  1. Correspondence  -

Stamford Transition – Cycle & footpath proposal

Mallard Pass Solar Farm – Both Essendine & Greatford PC have been in touch regarding the project and meeting scheduled at Greatford Hall 2 December (Not a PC meeting)

Allotment tenant raised query on agreement

  1. Any other business – Cllr Church concern raised over large water puddles/flooding at corner of The Charters


Uffington PC Correspondence received Oct 22nd - Dec


22.10.21              Cllr Church                                          Neighbourhood Watch Enquiry

22.10.21               LALC                                                  Response to Enquiry

22.10.21               Cllr Barratt                                          Damage to sign

25.10.21               SKDC                                                 Weekly Planning Notice

25.10.21               Member of the public                          Confirmation

26.10.21               LALC                                                  Weekly Newsletter

26.10.21               Member of the public                          Confirmation

28.10.21               SKDC                                                 Confirmation of grant

28.10.21               Mallard Pass Solar Farm                    Webinar Invite

28.10.21               Member of Public                                Lcc Report – safety Barrier

29.10.21               Member of Public                                Request for copy report

29.10.21               Cllr Trollope Bellew                             LCC contact details

29.10.21               SKDC                                                  Planning S21/2161

01.11.21               SKDC                                                  Weekly planning list

01.11.21               SKDC                                                  Representation on S21/2097

01.11.21               Cllr Trollope Bellew                             Request for Utility Maps advice

02.11.21               LALC                                                   Weekly Newsletter

04.11.21               Cllr Brown                                           Webinar update

04.11.21               HAGS                                                  Playground update

04.11.21               Mallard Pass Solar Farm                     Meeting dates scheduled

04.11.21               PCSO                                                   Monthly Report

05.11.21               Member of Public                                Meeting date & minutes enquiry

05.11.21               Member of public                                 Mallard Pass Solar Farm enquiry

05.11.21               SKDC                                                  Precept Form

06.11.21               Cllr Brown                                           Hedge planting

08.11.21               SKDC                                                  Weekly planning

08.11.21               Essendine PC                                     Mallard Pass solar farm

09.11.21               Lincs Police                                         Annual Precept survey

09.11.21               LALC                                                   Newsletter

09.11.2                  Cllr Church                                         Conservation Report

10.11.21               SKDC                                                   Queens green canopy project

10.11.21               SKDC                                                   Planning S21/2158

11.11.21               Cllr Church                                           Neighbourhood watch scheme

11.11.21               SKDC                                                   Weekly planning

11.11.21               Greatford PC                                      Meeting Information for Mallard Pass

12.11.21               Cllr Sheehan                                      Photographs

12.11.21               Cllr Sheehan                                      Comment on minutes 271021

12.11.21               Allotment Tenant                               Confirmation of allotment thefts info

14.11.21               Greatford Clerk                                 Minutes of Greatford PC meeting

15.11.21               SKDC                                                Weekly Planning

15.11.21               SKDC                                                Street cleaning Payment remit

16.11.21               LALC                                                 Newsletter

16.11.21               Playground Supplier                         Site meeting date

18.11.21               Cllr Church                                        Mallard Pass Solar farm

18.11.21               Cllr Church                                        Zoom meeting recording of Mallard pass meeting

18.11.21               Cllr Church                                        NHS Lincolnshire consultation

19.11.21               Essendine PC                                   Campaign to protect rural England

19.11.21               Forsell                                               Infor Mallard Pass Solar

21.11.21               Cllr Church                                        Copy of Response to Mercury

22.11.21               SKDC                                                 Weekly planning

22.11.21               Cllr Church                                         Meeting apologies

22.11.21               SKDC                                                  Decision Notice S21/1933

22.11.21               Cllr Brown                                           Play area meeting update

22.11.21               SKDC                                                 Planning S21/2283

22.11.21               Cllr Hartley                                         Litter pick Invoice

23.11.21               Stamford Cycling workshop               Meeting invite

23.11.21               LALC                                                  Weekly newsletter

23.11.21               Allotment tenant                                 Queries raised on agreement

23.11.21               Fix my street                                      Update on Greatford road markings

23.11.21               Cllr Church                                        Comments on S21/2283

24.11.21               Stamford Cycling workshop              Meeting cancellation

24.11.21               SKDC                                                Planning S21/2243

25.11.21               SKDC                                                Error viewing docs S21/2283

26.11.21               SKDC                                                Remittance advice for Street clean

26.11.21               LALC                                                 Newsletter

29.11.21               SKDC                                                Decision notice S21/2161

29.11.21               SKDC                                               Weekly planning

29.11.21               Cllr Church                                       Query raised on road flooding

30.11.21               The Woodland trust                           Response to enquiry

30.11.21               LALC                                                 Newsletter

01.12.21               UVH                                                  Invoice for hall rental

01.12.21               SKDC                                                Meeting date for playground