July 2023


Agenda for Meeting of Uffington Parish Council to be held in Uffington Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 6th July

Associated papers will be made available on request to




  1. Election of Chairman 2023/2024
  2. Apologies
  3. Approval of minutes from 24TH May 2023
  4. Matters Arising

Request for extra dog waste bin in village

  1. SKDC Prosperity Fund – Cllrs to discuss and agree potential ideas for funding in the village
  2. Accounts – to agree all expenditure and income from May 2023
  3. Outside Reports
  4. Declaration of interest
  5. Planning

S23/1132 – Mr S Creedy, North Stables, Casewick Park, PE9 4RX – Remove T1 pine to ground level

S23/1147 – Hoyes, The Dormers, Main Rd, PE9 4SN – Section 211 Notice to remove cherry tree

  1. Correspondence

Query raised by resident regarding Footpath between No 9 Main Rd and Farm house. Overgrown shrubbery and refuse bin

11.Any other business for future meetings


Uffington Parish Council Accounts June 2023

Expenditure Out from 25/05/2023

Clerks Wages June                                          £178.76

Mrs J Hartley Litter pick                                    £40.00

UVH hall hire May                                             £20.00

BHIB Insurance                                                £397.84

Anglian Water                                                   £240.97

LALC                                                                £120.00

C Harris                                                            £140.00

A Walker Plumbing                                          £143.64

ICO                                                                  £40.00

Total                                                                £1321.21

Payments in

Interest                                                             £6.90


Bank balance as at 28/06/2023


Treasurers account:                               £747.03

Business account:                                  £3563.88

Lloyds Business Savings:                       £6097.46


 Uffington PC Correspondence received June 2023

26.05.2023           LALC                                                                     E-newsletter

30.05.2023           SKDC                                                                    Weekly Planning List

31.05.2023           UVH                                                                       Invoice

31.05.2023           LALC                                                                     E-newsletter training bulletin

01.06.2023           Allotment Tenant                                                    Tap Fault

01.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     Community Grant funding

03.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     SKDC Prosperity fund Grant

03.06.2023           Mallard Pass Action Group                                     Mallard Pass update

04.06.2023           R Everitt                                                                  PCSO Newsletter

05.06.2023           BHIB                                                                      Insurance renewal

05.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     Weekly Planning List

08.06.2023           Resident                                                                 Litter pick Invoice  

08.06.2023           Resident                                                                 Main Road overgrown shrubbery

09.06.2023           LALC                                                                      Weekly Newsletter

09.06.2023           Planning Inspectorate                                             Notice of hearings Mallard Pass

09.06.2023           Resident                                                                 Allotment enquiry

12.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     Weekly Planning

12.06.2023           Supplier                                                                   Noticeboard Quote

17.06.2023           ICO                                                                         Renewal

19.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     Weekly Planning List

19.06.2023           Supplier                                                                   Payment Enquiry

19.06.2023           LALC                                                                      Cllr Training Courses

19.06.2023           Cllr Smith                                                                Bins enquiry

20.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     Decision Notice S23/0848

21.06.2023           Cllr Trollope Bellew                                                 Report

21.06.2023           Fixmystreet                                                             Main Road sign

23.06.2023           LALC                                                                      Weekly Newsletter

26.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     Weekly Planning List

26.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     S23/1147 Planning Notice

26.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     UKSPF Grant application

27.06.2023           SKDC                                                                     S23/1132 Planning Notice