5 September 2018

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on  Wednesday 5th September 2018

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr P Genever, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Dodsworth, Cllr Babbs, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew, Cllr K Cooke, Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes).


1. Apologies : Cllr K Genever, Cllr Mulvaney


2 Minutes of the previous parish council meeting - agreed as a true record.

Prop. Cllr Sheehan, Sec. Cllr Brown


3 Matters arising


This has now been purchased. Cllr Babbs brought it to the meeting to show the councillors.

Final details of positioning will be decided. Clerk to add it to the insurance policy, check lighting, arrange training and talk to SKDC about possible listed building consent.

Cllr R Trollope-Bellew advised that it be labelled, so that it can be easily returned if it is taken to hospital with a patient.

Play area

The ground has still been too hard to continue work but Cllrs are hopeful that posts and palings can be completed soon.

Cllr K Genever has sourced and fixed a plaque to thank donors.

Cllr Brown is waiting to hear from Wicksteed with a date for the annual safety inspection.


Cllr Cooke reported that a fixed bin could be supplied near the playground but that it would not be emptied by SKDC. Clerk to ask Fergus Barrett whether he could bag up waste and put out as part of his litter picking.

Pot holes

Many of these have now been filled. An updated schedule of work has recently been released. It was noted that Essendine Road is particularly bed. Cllr R Trollope-Bellew to follow this up.


4 Housing delivery in South Kesteven

Harry Rai the Assistant Director responsible for housing matters at SKDC provided an update on an ongoing review of SKDC’s policy for improvements and alterations to their tenants houses.

The process will be clearer and more transparent. All requests must be made in writing and will then follow a documented pathway with regular inspections until work is completed acceptably.

Any property and land associated with the property is subject to regular planning permission. Retrospective permissions will be discouraged.


5 Declarations of interest



6 Planning

S18/1403 Lord Dean Coutts. Retrospective planning permission to retain gazebo.

S18/1371 Julia Wright. The Barn, Casewick Park.

S18/1538 Mr & Mrs Remedios. 12 The Charters. Porch extension & single storey rear extension

S18/1441 Mr & Mrs Wilson. 2 Lindsey Road. Single storey side extension.

The above applications were discussed and comments will be reported back to planning.


7 Reports from outside bodies

Cllr R Trollope-Bellew

The lamp on School Lane has been re-installed.

LCC have new ways of sourcing salt to save treatment costs.

The Big Clean is continuing.

Cllr K Cooke

Environment SK are preparing to take on grass cutting from April 1st 2019.

Parish councils can choose a private contractor for all of the grassed areas within the parish. The money spent by LCC & SKDC on mowing these areas can then be given to the individual council. This arrangement is reversible.

Cllr Cooke supplied a map of the SKDC owned areas within the village. Cllr R Trollope-Bellew is still awaiting the LCC map.

Cllr Babbs to work out which areas are owned by whom when the full information is available.


8 Accounts

Hire of Uffington Village Hall 2.5 hours @£10/hour £25.00

Allotment water 07/05/18- 04/08/18 £13.05

Defibrillator £1710.00

Plaque for playground £37.78

Clerk wages August (gross) £151.10

Above prop. Cllr Brown. Sec. Cllr P Genever

Bank balances at end of July 2018

Treasurers account £ 562.51

Deposit account £5877.89


9 Any Other Business

Bertie Lane footpath. Large crack has developed. Cllr R Trollope-Bellew to report this. Cllr Babbs to send photographs to show the size and extent.

Street lighting. There has been a proposal to change modern street lighting to heritage lighting within the parish.

Speed sign. The charger has been replaced and the sign will be back in use as soon as possible.

Speeding report. A survey was carried out 11th August on two locations on Main Road. The results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met.

Hedge backing on to school. The hedge has been trimmed on the school side and is various heights on the opposite side. Individual householders have responsibility for maintenance.

Footpaths between Uffington and Stamford. It was noted that these footpaths were overgrown. Clerk to report to SKDC.


Meeting closed 21:30.


Next meeting 24th October 2018, 8pm at the Village Hall.