2 July 2020 - July LCC/SKDC Briefing
1. Met with Kyra Nettle, LCC Highways and spoke about concerns from pot-holes, cycling paths, flooding at Newstead Corner and removed finger post at School Lane/Casewick Lane junction. Thank you to the Clerk and Councillors for sending highways information ready for the maintenance gang early September.
2. County like to district are expecting their staff and councillors to be working from home until the end of the year, at this present time, with virtual meetings becoming the norm.
3. Mary Powell has been seconded from LCC for 1 day a week to help push forward our Visitor Economy, she has a wealth of experience from Lincoln Castle to St Wilframs Church, Grantham.
4. On the cultural side we are still providing on-line events such as sketching classes, jazz, poetry and we have also held an on-line photo competition entitled 'Lock-Down' and received over a hundred entries, which can be looked at on the Stamford arts centre face-book page . The two winners came from Stamford and Cambridge. It is hoped to make this an annual event.
5. It has been decided not to give an opening date for the Arts Centres as we need to make sure that all our staff and customers would be safe and happy to attend events. We are using this closure time to look at maintenance of the building.
Rosemary Trollope-Bellew
C.Cllr & D.Cllr