Approved Minutes - Aug 2022

Uffington Parish Council

Approved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 17th August 2022 at 7.45pm

Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Church

Clerk – Mrs. K Turner

1-15/2022            - Apologies: Cllr Kelham Cooke


2-16/2022            - Approval of minutes from 6th July 2022


The minutes were approved subject to the insertion of ‘collected by’ rather than the word from in item 3/2022

Pro: Cllr Church                 Sec: Cllr Sheehan



3-17/2022 – Clerks Report

Cllr Brown read through points on the Clerks update report. It was agreed for the Clerks report and matters arising to be put as one agenda item going forward



4-18/2022 – Matters Arising

Cllr Brown read through previous matters rising from minutes dates 6th July. Casewick Lane has had surface dressing laid but it was noted that the repairs were not sufficient and potholes not filled in adequately. The Parish Council will monitor this going forward

23 Jubilee Mugs remain. After two other donations were received it was agreed for the Clerk to keep 4 mugs leaving 17. Cllr Hutchins proposed that the remaining mugs were offered as a donation to the Church for their coffee mornings and Casewick Café. 

£187.50 donated funds from the Jubilee Mugs are to be left in the accounts until a suitable project arises in the village.

Clerk to contact the Church regarding donation of mugs


Pro: Cllr Hutchins             Sec: Cllr Hartley

Voted All in favour.


Tree surgeon to be contacted to visit the village to assess three areas that may need attention. To identify priority works (if any needed) and quote for costs. Trees on Lindsey Road, overhanging branches along Manners Close and hedges at the allotments.

Wooden bollards and chains outside of Bertie Lane bungalows have still not been fixed by SKDC. Clerk to report again

Sum of £2831 is insured for ground surfaces with annual insurance policy BHIB. Clerk to contact BHIB to enquire if matting at playground is included in this


5-19/2022 – Cllr Hutchins read through a report from the playground and green area working group and gave an update. Main points raised were as follows

A new 2-seater bench has been purchased  and positioned alongside the footpath - securing plates  have also been fitted. A commemorative plaque to be purchased by the Council, wording to be agreed with Councillor Church

A new picnic bench purchased by the Village Hall has been positioned on site to afford maximum safety to users. A plaque to be purchased and fixed acknowledging the donation by UVH to commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee

To purchase and fix replacement Perspex notice at the play area to include acknowledgement of donation of new equipment by UVH and The Soames Trust (suggest black sign with white lettering so easier to read)

To purchase and fix new Perspex notice detailing PC and emergency contact details and to include a notice of NO BBQs to be used in play area


All play equipment has been reviewed in line with comments in last playground inspection report. The following has been completed as recommended actions by the group


-Gate to toddler area adjusted to close potential trap hazard 


-Bird deterrent spikes replaced with cable ties


-Round basket swing raised to recommended 400mm from ground


-Fixing bar on swings tightened and chain fixings lubricated


-Scorpion piece of equipment lubricated as Chairman had received complaint about the noise generated when in use. Parish Clerk had contacted Hags about this under the warranty but they will still need to look at the equipment as it is believed an ‘O’ ring needs attention


-Algae on climbing wall and swings washed off


Areas that still require actions -

The matting around several pieces of play equipment is a concern. Clerk to chase HAGS warranty team for a site visit and an inspection

Foot rest on toddler see saw requires new grip (Fahr industries fs008910 2015) – Cllr Hutchins rang Fahr who advised that spare parts for the see saw are available, however, they have to be ordered through the original provider of the equipment as they only deal supplier to supplierCouncilor Brown will email Fahr with additional background information.

The working group agreed to inspect equipment on a quarterly basis going forward and would carry out any basic maintenance of equipment and surrounding verges/hedges etc.  These regular checks would support an annual inspection. Thanks to all working group members for their help and hard work in keeping this area clean and safe for everyone to enjoy. Thanks, was also extended from the Parish Council to Mr. John Hutchins for volunteering and helping with the maintenance of the area

Cllr Hutchins kindly volunteered to purchase all plaques and notices needed


6-20/2022Mallard Pass second stage consultation

Cllr Brown confirmed that approx. 280 leaflets were printed and delivered by Council members to Uffington residents in July. More responses were received from this second leaflet drop from residents against the project. Uffington Parish Council sent in their response to Mallard Pass which can be viewed on the village noticeboard and on the web page The Parish Council believes it has fulfilled its obligations regarding the proposal





A request from an allotment holder was received by the Clerk wishing to swap a half plot should either one of two requested become available. Full Council all agreed that this was a reasonable request and were all in favour of this being placed onto the waiting list as a formal request.


1 tenant relinquished their plot in July. This has now been offered to the next person on the allotment waiting list. Uffington residents are given priority on allotments that become available.

The hedges and boundary maintenance at the allotments will be assessed once a contractor has been to visit the site

Allotment rent will need to be reviewed after the annual allotment meeting to be held at the end of September (date to be confirmed) to take into consideration a potential rental increase to cover reasonable costs for maintenance and water charges in 2023


8-22/2022Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

Council members agreed for both the code of conduct and standing orders to be reviewed and updated as necessary. Uffington Parish Council need to be current with legislation. The current guidance on the code of conduct is to adopt the Local District policy so that there is consistency.

Clerk to update both policies and bring to the next full Council meeting in September to be agreed upon and adopted



9-23/2022 – Cllr Cooke monthly report attached and can be viewed on our web page and noticeboards


10-24/2022 - Monthly Accounts


Expenditure Out

UVH Room Hire July                               £20.00

Cable Ties (Play area)                             £ 27.81

Grass Mowing July                                  £65.00

J Hartley (July Litter pick)                        £40.00

Clerks Wages July                                   £180.72

Commemorative Bench                            £199.00

Brackets for Bench                                  £34.99

Anglian Water                                          £96.95

Village Hall Printer Ink                            £39.99


Total                                                          £704.46

Payments in

       HMRC                                                     £4,591

       SKDC Jubilee Fund Grant Final              £143.00

       Resident Donation                                   £250.00


Bank Balance as at 08.08.2022

Treasurers A\C                                                £5,039.51

Business A\C                                                  £4,888.39


Cllr Brown asked if all Cllrs had seen and read the accounts and if there were any comments or queries. Request for Melton Mowbray building society balance to be reported on in future account information

A proposal was given to open a separate Lloyds bank account solely for the playground and green area funds and to close the Melton Mowbray building society account. Clerk to action


Pro: Cllr Hutchins       Sec: Cllr Hartley



11-25/2022 - Declarations – None


12-29/2022 - Planning

S22/1454 - Mr. Simon Banks, Carrs Lodge Farm, Dutch Barn, Newstead Lane, Newstead, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SA - Change of Use from Class B8 to Class E (commercial business / service) and Elevational Improvements Including Renewables

No objections made. One comment made for a possibility in increased traffic

S22/1361- Dean Coutts, 2 School Lane, Uffington, Lincolnshire. Permitted development of single storey outbuilding

Parish Council were made aware of concerns that work was being undertaken before permitted development approved, a query was raised regarding development being made in a conservation area. Works are within SKDC guidelines and no further comments made.


S21/2283 - Mr. and Mrs. M Webster, Willow brook, Greatford Road Uffington have appealed to the Secretary of State against the Councils refusal of planning permission for erection of detached bungalow

No further comments made

S22/0722 - Lord Dean Coutts ,2 School Lane Uffington Lincolnshire has appealed to the Secretary of State against the Councils refusal of planning permission for a single storey side and rear extensions to dwelling

No further comments made


13-30/2022Any Other Business

Cllr Brown invited members of the council for any comments

The hedge along Casewick lane was reported to be overgrown and restricting road/view. Cllr Brown to speak with J. Genever on having it cut back slightly

Cllr Sheehan noted that some saplings that were planted in the green area have not survived the drought in recent weeks and some may need replacing. Working group to check in the Spring and see which survive the winter and possibly replace next year if needed.

Parking in the village was commented on that vehicle were still parking on the grass verges. Clerk to contact Uffington School for a reminder at the start of the new term to remind parents/guardians collecting from school not to park on verges

Vehicles parked on the green area in Needham Allen Close. This land is owned by SKDC and the Parish Council will monitor the situation as necessary

Flooding occurred at Newstead corner after heavy rainfall on 16th August


Next meeting to be held on Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 7.45pm in the Village Hall

Meeting closed 9.15pm

Clerks Update - July


Update on Jubilee Mugs – 14 surplus

Cash Donations from the Jubilee Mugs as at 30/07/2022 - £182.50

A reminder was posted in T & S regarding collection/requests for mugs and no further requests or communication has been received

£357 received 30/05/2022 from SKDC for the funding of the mugs. Balance of £143.00 paid into the bank account on 19/07/2022

£4,591.00 VAT return has been received into the account on 07/07/2022

30Mph Sign extension on Main Road has been actioned by Highways

No through road sign outside of Bertie Lane bungalows has been fixed. The bollards and chains have not been fixed yet by SKDC

Lindsey Road sign and the Fire hydrant post have been fixed

UPP broadband have responded to enquiry on 01/07/2022. Their planning tram are still working on the build plans. Upp will arrange a call with Clerk once they have any further updates

PKF Littlejohn sent in several queries regarding the financial audit. These related to Clerks wages, increase in expenditure and increase in Fixed assets. Responses sent. Await updates

The ground surface sum insured on the Councils annual policy totals £2831.00. This is an additional cover relating to sports ground surfaces concrete, tarmac or asphalt that the Council own.

Clerk has reported the pathway outside of Croft farm to LCC highways and also on fixmystreet. Await an update. Chased again 01.08.2022