October 2024

Uffington Parish Council


Approved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 7.45pm


Present: Cllr Yvonne Waterfall – Chair, Cllr Genever, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Carr, Cllr Church, Cllr Ashley Baxter, Cllr Vanessa Smith and 1 member of the public
Clerk – Mrs. K Turner

Item 9 for outside reports was brought to the top of the agenda by Cllr Waterfall to allow District Councilor Ashley Baxter to read through his report


9/43/25 – Cllr Baxter has received communication from a resident regarding the current speed limit along Greatford Road. Residents are campaigning for the speed limit to be reduced to 30 mph in line with the rest of the village. Cllr Baxter did not believe that the specified stretch of road would meet requirements for a 30 mph restriction. Cllr Smith challenged this and questioned that the density of housing would support the requirements set out in LCC policy. Cllr Baxter agreed to look into and respond directly to resident.

Cllr Baxter read through an email response from National grid in response to a complaint received from an Uffington resident regarding the Main Road national grid street works. It was noted that the works in Uffington are on schedule and are due to be completed in the village by 28/10/2024. All works in other areas for this project are expected to be finished in Spring 2025

Work has been significantly delayed to the laying of the Anglian water large blue pipes and works are expected to be completed in the year 2026/2027

Cllr Smith gave a brief report as no significant changes to the last update. The new SKDC battery recycling scheme is working well and proving successful. Parking charges in Stamford are due to be increased but it has been decided that there will be no change or increase to Sunday parking or overnight parking in Stamford town centre.

1-44/25 – Apologies

Apologies received from Cllr Brown 

2-45/25 – Approval of Minutes from 4th September 2024

Cllr Waterfall read through points from previous minutes.  A resident made the Council aware that they had put forward a complaint to BT openreach regarding mess that was left of the pavement in Lindsey road after works had been carried out. No further information received other than it was reported that BT engineers did come back to Lindsey Road and sweep the path and road side kerbs

Cllr Waterfall thanked Mrs. B Hutchins or her volunteer work on the cleaning of the village fountain. It was originally suggested for some decorative gravel to be purchased and placed in the trough but on further inspection the trough is deep and would require a lot of gravel. Idea to be further looked into for possible suggestions/solutions

The annual allotment meeting is being held on Sunday 27th October at 2pm

Small notice to be placed in PC noticeboard advising residents that the board on Casewick Lane is free to use for any advertisements or posters for the village

Proposal or the minutes to be approved as a true and accurate record

Pro: Cllr Genever               Sec: Cllr Barratt

3-46/25 – Public Forum

No items raised
4-47/25 – Matters Arising

No volunteer found for emptying of the play area bin. Await response from SKDC for a quote on waste disposal cost before other ideas and suggestions are fully discussed or agreed upon

Cllr Carr received a concern from resident regarding parking along Casewick Lane. The Parish Council reiterated that they have no jurisdiction with parking along Highways. This is to be enforced with LCC if needed. Dangerous parking can be reported to the police or an online app (with photos) Details of app to be shared and given to residents to use if they wish. Concerns can also be raised directly to the LCC County Councilor Mr. Ashley Baxter if any residents wish to pursue any matters of concern with parking.

Only one quote received from HAGS UK regarding the matting in the play area after the HIC report. Await further quotes for works before comparison and final decision. The Parish Council expressed concern over a crack in a residential wall which borders the play area. Clerk to contact resident regarding safety concerns


5-48/25 – A proposal for Uffington Parish Council to adopt and accept SKDC code of conduct policy

Pro: Cllr Barratt                 Sec: Cllr Carr

6-48/25 – Greatford Road Footpath extension. Clerk to organise dates to meet with Highways Officer on footpath extension to the Cricket Club

7-49/25 – Proposal to accept the monthly accounts September 2024

Uffington Parish Council Accounts September 2024

Expenditure Out

HAGS UK                             £810

ICO                                     £30.00

Grass Cutting                     £75.00

Litter Picking Aug               £40.00

Allotment                          £50.00

Clerks Wages Aug              £156.36

Clerks wages Sep               £156.36


Bank balance as at 09.10.2024


Treasurers account:           £243.06

Business account:               £3825.18

Lloyds Business Savings:    £5379.05


Pro: Cllr Genever               Sec: Cllr Church


8- 50/25 – Financials

Proposal for Clerk to make payments for regular expenditure not exceeding £250 or for any exceptional costs

Pro: Cllr Barratt                 Sec: Cllr Carr


9-51/25 – Outside reports – item moved to top of the agenda

10-52/25 – Declarations

None received

11-53/25 – Planning Notices

S24/1656 – Lord D Coutts – 2 School Lane, Uffington, Lincs PE9 4SU – Proposed rendering of front elevation and part side elevation

No further comments raised

S24/1676 – Mr Simon Banks – Carrs lodge Farm, Dutch Barn, Newstead Lane, PE9 4SA – Section 73 to vary conditions 4 (use class) and 5 (hours of operation) of S23/1191 Change of use from mixed use of retail with

associated storage and private storage to a mixed use of commercial (Class E), business storage and domestic/residential storage, as well as elevational alterations and the installation of solar panels

No comments raised

S24/1660 –Mr & Mrs. P Cancelliere – Manor House, 91 Main Rd, PE9 4SN – Erection of single storey extension and internal alterations

No comments raised


12-54/25 – Correspondence
UPC have raised both Cllr and residents’ concerns regarding a possible permitted development build in the conservation area of the village. Await more info from SKDC Planning and SKDC enforcement team. The processes have been followed and await application
13-55/25- Any Other business
Cllr Barratt reporting faulty streetlight at the end of Lindsey Road

Cllr Church raised issue of concern regarding vehicles being parked on footways in the village including along Main Road. Vehicles parking on the footpath are making pedestrian access difficult with wheelchair users and mobility aid users not being able to use the footpath easily or safely. Cllr Church gave apologies for next meeting but asked for this issue to be raised on the next meeting’s agenda for discussion

The Footpath outside of Croft Farm along Casewick lane was raised again. Uffington Parish Council are actively pursuing this with LCC but they do not currently have this as a maintenance priority

Suggestion made to check the Village Hall calendar and to agree next year’s Council meetings and pre book all dates for future meetings at a possible earlier time of 7pm

Meeting closed at 9.20pm


Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall provisionally on Wednesday 27th November 2024 at 7.45pm