28 January 2021

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council meeting held remotely on Thursday 28th January 2021 at 7:30pm

Present by zoom: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Genever, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew and four members of the public. Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes)

  1. Apologies: Cllr Kelham Cooke
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting 17th December

agreed with the following amendments. Under matters arising from Greatford Road to the cricket club” appears twice. Under the final item in correspondence add but the owners will be informed that concern has been expressed. 

Proposer: Cllr Hartley, Second: Cllr Barratt

  1. Matters arising

The charity policy has been updated and circulated.

Re-quote still awaited as the tree surgeons email had changed.

There is no further news about the footpath from Greatford Road to the cricket club.

There is no further news about a parking solution in Needham Allen Close. Action required – clerk to contact Cllr Kelham Cooke for update.

Work on the playground has been stopped because of lockdown.

Speedwatch has been stopped because of lockdown.

Dianne  Brown has volunteered to hand-write the minutes into the archive book.

Hedge in Manners Close. Cllr Hartley contacted the owner and received a negative response.

Noticeboard is being tidied and updated regularly.

Saplings from the Woodland Trust have not yet arrived. 

Cllr Barratt has received no reply about the neighbourhood watch scheme. Action required - Cllr Hutchins to contact someone who was involved with the scheme previously. 

  1. Allotment tenancy agreement queries

All of the questions received from the allotment holders will be answered and circulated to all tenants so that everyone has the same information.

  1. Fallen wall Main Road

The wall outside number 29 has collapsed and been made safe. The Parish Council will take into account the health and safety of the general public for future reports like this.

  1. Cycle and footpath survey

Sustainable Stamford are in consultation with Lincolnshire County Council and have proposed a new cycle/footpath between Uffington and Stamford. They need evidence of support from members of the public to get funding. Councillor Barratt agreed to be a contact for this project.

  1. Website update.

The website contractor has shared the site so far and further feedback has been given.

  1. Clerk resignation

Lorraine Thurston has resigned her post and has agreed to continue until the end of March to allow time to train new clerk Katie Turner. Carlby parish clerk has also offered support. Councillors agreed to fund two clerks during the handover period.

Proposer: Cllr Woolf, Second: Cllr Hutchins

  1. Highways repairs report

A report of all of the jobs completed in the autumn was circulated. Any further reports can be made on https://www.fixmystreet.com/

  1. Charity fund application

Councillors agreed to take some time away from the meeting to consider the application.

  1. Reports from outside bodies

Reports were received from county and district councillors and are attached.

  1. Accounts


Litter picking December £40

Clerk wages December (gross) £174.02

Printer ink £104.99

Envelopes £1.25

Purchase of gift in recognition of voluntary work £11.50

Clerk wages January (gross) £174.02

Bank balance as at 5th January 2021 before all of the above are taken into account

Treasurers account: £1078.40

Business account:  £5577.53

Proposer: Cllr Sheehan, Second: Cllr Woolf

  1. Declarations of interest for planning. None
  2. Planning

S20/2186 31 Main Road. Widening and setting-back of front access, including alteration to the front boundary wall. No objection providing the materials match and blend.

S20/2115 Hunters Lodge, Casewick Park. Oak, reduce South facing branch by max 4m to nearest growth point, ash crown raise to approx 5m, group of holly to be reduced by 2-2.5m and put back into hedgerow. No objections raised.

  1. Correspondence

Transparency. The chairman explained that information is not being withheld by the council and requested patience until the contractor has completed the website. All financial records are listed on the website and the council is audited annually. Action required – clerk to contact LALC again to clarify whether documents should be made available or published.

Dogs. There has been an incident of dogs being aggressive. The owners of the dogs have been approached and measures put in place to ensure that there is not a repeat of this.

Mrs Webbs 100th birthday. Councillors congratulated Mrs Webb, and will deliver a card on behalf of Parish Councillors.

31 Lindsey Road. The council agreed to the owners request to insert a hand-gate in his fence which faces Lindsey road, plus paving across the grass to provide access to the footpath. The paving to be laid to allow mowing to take place .

Footpath 4. Has a temporary closure order by network rail for periods of less than 24 hours.

Speeding and councillors responsibility to work with police. Police are aware of the problems and are taking a keen interest in Speedwatch. Councillors continue to support the Speedwatch initiative.

Lakeside Health. The patient participation group have information about COVID-19 vaccines

at www.facebook.com/hwlincs or on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4PkKB7IE_-w


  1. Any other business

Grit bins. These are for use by anyone to make the public highway safer. Shovels are not provided.

Flooding on Main Road. During the recent heavy rain, water has been flooding the pavement between 3-9 Main Road. Action required – clerk to contact highways.


Meeting closed at 9:21pm. Next meeting: Thursday 11th March@ 7:30pm by zoom unless guidance changes.