28 November 2018

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on  Wednesday 28th November 2018


1. Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr P Genever, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Babbs ,Cllr K Genever, Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes). Members of the public: Mrs Brown, Mr & Mrs Kimberley


2. Apologies : Cllr Dodsworth, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew, Cllr K Cooke


3. Minutes of the previous parish council meeting – Amendment: The equipment stored in Mr P Genever’s yard. A donation was to be made to the Parish Council. Otherwise agreed as a true record. Prop. Cllr Sheehan Sec. Cllr P. Genever


4. Matters arising


Listed building consent decision awaited.

Clerk to book CPR/defib training for maximum 20 people.

Play area

Fencing needs to be completed. Cllrs Babbs, Sheehan and Brown to liaise.

A letter was sent to all householders whose properties back onto the wall to make them aware of the crack.


There is a lock on the bin which has prevented emptying. Cllr K Genever to source a tool to unlock it.

Roads and paths

Highways have done an inspection with Cllr R Trollope-Bellew and Cllr Brown.

Some pot-holes on Essendine Road have been mended. Greatford Road one way and cycle path, Bertie Lane footpath, finger post and Lindsey Road footpath surface were all noted.

Grass cutting

Highway verge cutting scheme – it was decided that Uffington Parish will continue to have the verges cut by LCC.

Newstead Corner

Highways notices have been published to advise of forthcoming decrease in speed limits.

Anglian water

Another approach has been made to Dean Canning of Anglian Water.

Remembrance event

Well attended and well received.


5. Declarations of interest

Cllr Brown declared an interest in the allotment discussion.


6. Correspondence


£121.97 has been paid to Anglian Water so far this year so there will be no surplus monies by the end of the financial year. The Parish Council will organise for repairs to the tap.


It was agreed that the precept would be the same as last year at £4000. Prop. Cllr K Genever Sec. Cllr D Babbs.


7. Planning

S18/1600 T & H Woolley, Certificate of Lawful Development relating to the proposed construction of vehicular access for agricultural purposes. Carrs Lodge Farm, Newstead Lane.

Discussed. Decision from planning received. Certificate of Lawful Development granted.

S18/2035, 5 day notice to fell tree at 87 Main Road, Uffington. Arboriculture consultant reported that the tree should be removed.


8. Reports from outside bodies



9. Accounts

Clerk wages November (gross) £151.10

Wicksteed safety inspection £ 85.20

Anglian Water (allotments) £ 95.87

Above prop. Cllr Babbs. Sec. Cllr Sheehan

Bank balances at end of September 2018 (before all of the above are taken into account)

Treasurers account £ 913.18

Deposit account £5582.34


10. Any Other Business

Dangerous parking . It was noted that some vehicles are being parked in potentially dangerous and obstructive positions. Cllr K Genever to follow this up.

Permissive footpaths. The scheme for permissive paths across the land belonging to Croft Farm is coming to an end. The Genevers are keen to know which paths are regularly used.

Trees Main Road. The residents have taken both an informal and formal approach to the problem. Two suggestions were made: write to the consultant arboriculturalist and ask for an opinion as old buildings may be affected; household insurance may include free legal advice.

Speed sign. This requires charging every 3 weeks and volunteers are needed to help to remove and replace it.

Pot holes. This is an ongoing problem throughout the parish. Reports can be made via:


Parish council elections will be held in May. Volunteers are needed to join the Parish Council.


Meeting closed 21:30


Next meeting 9th January 2019, 8pm at the Village Hall.