24 October 2019

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 24th October 2019

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Genever, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf , Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes), Cllr R. Trollope-Bellew, Cllr K Cooke, one member of the public.


1. Minutes of the previous parish council meeting - agreed as a true record.

Prop: Cllr Woolf, Sec: Cllr Genever.


2. Matters arising.

Drainage. There are still drainage problems on the A1175 at Newstead corner and close to the speed limit sign at the Copthill bend. Drains between Main Road and School Lane and along Casewick Lane are still blocked. These have all been previously reported. Clerk to follow up.

Speedwatch scheme. This has started, is working well so far and will be reviewed at intervals. More details about the scheme have been published on Uffington Facebook, village noticeboards and Towers and Spires.

Replacement “No Dogs” signs on the entrances to the Pound Field agreed in principle by Cllrs. Cllr Brown will obtain sizes for Clerk to order.


3. Reports from outside bodies. Cllr Trollope-Bellew reported that despite the weather on the Sunday of the event, the Georgian Festival was a great success.

Cllr Kelham Cooke is now leader of SKDC and Cllr Trollope Bellew is Cabinet Member for culture.


4. Correspondence

Parish Council Website.

Cllr Genever declared an interest.

The Parish Council website is a legal requirement and was set up by LCC as a template to include village activities.

Historically the Parish Council and Village Hall have shared a website. The Village Hall also use the website for the Towers and Spires group of churches.

Cllrs agreed that the website information should be reviewed and updated. Cllrs Brown, Cllr Woolf and Clerk to be involved.

Defibrillator. The defibrillator was allocated to a 999 call in early October. It was not needed and is confirmed operational again.

Convex mirror. This was installed at the mini-roundabout by a member of the public and has now been taken down.

Lincs. County Council do not allow new mirrors to be placed on the highway due to guidance from the Department of Transport.

Clerk will write to the individual to confirm the position of the Parish Council.


5. Planning

Declarations of interest - none

S19/1441 – Mr Simon Banks, Carrs Lodge Farm Newstead Lane Newstead. Notification received that SKDC approval granted.

S19/1767 Mr Nicholas Kimberley .Fell 1 x ash tree on boundary between 31 & 33 Main Road with neighbour consent. No objections from councillors.

S19/1866 Mr Howard Jones, 95 Main Road. 2 to 3m reduction of cedar tree, reduction of branches on willow tree that overhang neighbouring property and removal of deadwood and reshape of silver birch. No objections from councillors.


6. Accounts

Grass cutting 12/09/19 £50.00

Litter picking September £40.00

Clerk wages September 169.35 (gross)

Speedwatch £96.84 + £39.60 +£111.11

Uffington Village Hall Hire August & September £25.00

2nd class stamps £7.32

Income from SKDC community cleaning grant £213.46

Bank balances at end of September 2019 ((before all of the above are taken into account):

Treasurers account £953.97

Deposit account £7098.99

Prop: Cllr Genever, Sec: Cllr Sheehan


7. Any other business

Playground. A knob has broken off the see-saw and one of the palings is broken. Both will be mended. The hedge between the cottage and the fence is to be cut back. Annual safety inspection is scheduled for 29th October.

Hedge plants alongside footpath by the playground to be assessed and re-planted if necessary.

Main Road sign opposite School Lane broken. Clerk has reported.

Accident on Newstead corner. A further accident has occurred.

Allotments. Some sheds have been broken into.

Needham Allen Close. Cars parked on grass area owned and mowed by SKDC. No parking sign has disappeared. Sign to be replaced.

Bus shelter. Rubbish cleared from the shelter including roof-space. Some damage to interior wire mesh. Cllr Genever has a piece that can be used as a replacement.

Tallington crossing. There is no proposal in place. Tallington residents continue to campaign.


Meeting closed at 8:45pm.


Next meeting 4th December at 7:30pm Uffington Village Hall. All welcome