24 October 2018

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on

Wednesday 24th October 2018


1. Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr P Genever, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Dodsworth, Cllr Babbs, Cllr K Genever, Cllr Mulvaney, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew. Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes).


2. Apologies : Cllr R Trollope-Bellew sent her apologies as she would arrive late.


3. Minutes of the previous parish council meeting - agreed as a true record.

Prop. Cllr Babbs, Sec. Cllr Dodsworth


4. Matters arising


Listed building consent decision awaited.

Clerk to speak to a local provider of Save a Life course about CPR/defib training.

Play area

Annual safety inspection has been carried out and some minor points noted which will be addressed.

Cllrs Babbs and Sheehan have re-spaced the palings.

It was also noted that there is a horizontal crack along the wall behind the play area. A letter will be sent to all householders whose properties back onto the wall to make them aware of this.


It was noted that the bin keeps moving and fixings will be sourced.

Roads and paths

Essendine Road, Junction of Essendine Road/Greatford Road, Greatford Road one way and cycle path and Greatford Road have pot-holes. Bertie Lane footpath has been mended but surface does not blend in. All noted for further attention.


5. Correspondence

Letter received from Nick Boles MP asking for comments about the bus shelter. Discussed.

Letter received from LCC ref. verge cutting scheme for 2019/20. Maps will be updated and a decision made at next PC meeting.

Letter received confirming community cleaner grant for 6 months: October 2018 – March 2019.


6. Declarations of interest

Cllrs K & P Genever declared an interest in The Bertie application.


7. Planning

S18/1600 T & H Woolley, Certificate of Lawful Development relating to the proposed construction of vehicular access for agricultural purposes. Carrs Lodge Farm, Newstead Lane.

Discussed. Awaiting decision from planning.

S18/1370 Julia Wright, The Barn, Casewick Park. Insert opening into stone garden wall to allow pedestrian access between garden and erect stone steps to allow access.

Discussed. Awaiting decision from planning.

S18/1434 Mr J Genever. The Bertie Arms. Listed building consent. Demolition of concrete garages, erection of front boundary fence and gate, construction of concrete slab with retaining wall and fence above to serve as storage area, siting of storage containers and coldroom,alterations to chimney and fireplace, installation of a defibrillator and landscaping works.

Discussed. Awaiting decision from planning.

S18/ 1433 Mr J Genever. Full planning permission. Demolition of concrete garages, erection of front boundary fence and gate, construction of concrete slab with retaining wall and fence above to serve as storage area, siting of storage containers and coldroom, alterations to chimney and fireplace, installation of a defibrillator and landscaping works.

Discussed. Awaiting decision from planning.


8. Reports from outside bodies

PCSO report

Several sheds and garages have been broken into in Tallington and West Deeping. Tallington ATM was attacked.

PCSO’s have been monitoring the bus shelter and there have been no further incidents. Cllrs received positive comments from PCSO about the needle safety information poster.

Wildlife officers should be contacted if hare coursing or poaching is suspected.


9. Accounts

Clerk wages September (gross) £151.10

Clerk wages October (gross) £151.10

Litter picking 12 hours (27/07/18 – 10/10/18) £ 78.00

Grass cutting 24/09/18 £ 55.00

Poppies donation to The British Legion £ 80.00

Above prop. Cllr Dodsworth. Sec. Cllr Sheehan

Bank balances at end of September 2018 (before all of the above are taken into account)

Treasurers account £1109.68

Deposit account £5878.53


10. Any Other Business

Anglian Water have not completed the repairs to a satisfactory level despite several conversations. Chairman to contact them again.

Equipment stored in Cllr P Genever’s yard was on the understanding that a donation would be made to UVH. This has not been done. Clerk to chase.

Street lighting. New LED lights are very bright.

Footpath at bottom of Lindsey Road has been re-routed and labelled as a permissive route. Cllr R Trollope-Bellew to investigate.

Damage to Bollards at Copthill bend. Clerk to report.

Sign repair needed Lodge Corner. Clerk to report.

Further accident Newstead. Not speed related. Drainage to be assessed by highways.

Remembrance Sunday. The Parish Council have donated to The British Legion and have 4 lamp-post poppies (one at each entry road to the village). The Beacon will be lit by Pete Cable at 7pm Sunday 11th November. All are welcome to come and join this act of remembrance.


Meeting closed 21:10.


Next meeting 28th November 2018, 8pm at the Village Hall.