27 February 2019

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th February 2019

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr P Genever, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Babbs ,Cllr K Genever,

Cllr Mulvaney, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew, Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes).

Apologies : Cllr Dodsworth, Cllr K Cooke


Minutes of the previous parish council meeting

Agreed as a true record: Prop. Cllr Sheehan Sec. Cllr Mulvaney


1. Matters arising


Will be installed to fit in with the schedule for the exterior of The Bertie.

Red Cross defibrillator training is booked for 25th March 7pm, Village Hall. Spaces available.

Play area

Hedge will be cut back before the end of March.

Roads and paths

Flooding on Casewick Lane persists. Clerk to report again.

It has been noted that people are taking little care when parking around junctions in School Lane

and Casewick Lane. Clerk to liaise with Head of School and PCSO.

Towers and Spires

Clerk to contact Pete Hickman with reference to increased costs.


2. Correspondence


Elections will take place on 2nd May 2019. There is information on the SKDC website under elections.

Volunteers for help with speed sign

Three people have volunteered to help with this. Councillors recorded their thanks and are working out the best and safest way to organise this.

Village Hall Signage

A query was raised about wayfinding signage for the Village Hall. All signage must be requested via highways and is prohibitively expensive.

Speed limit consultation

Stamford A1175 Uffington Road, Newstead Lane and Mill Lane proposed speed limits.

Planning and regulation committee had not consulted Uffington Parish Council. Cllr R Trollope-Bellew urged Council to consider comments prior to the committee meeting.

Clerk to coordinate.

Limit suggested by the Parish Council is 40 MPH from end of the 30 MPH limit exiting Stamford to the unofficial layby past the Newstead corner.


3. Declarations of interest - none


4. Planning

S18/2333 Mr Nicholas Turner, The Rectory, 67 Main Road, Uffington

Proposal: Erection of single storey extension. Planning granted.

S19/0070 Mr Nicholas Turner, The Rectory,67 Main Road, Uffington Proposal: Crown lift (T1) Yew tree by 3m from ground level and crown reduction/reshape by 2m.

Comments submitted by Cllrs. No planning decision received.

S19/0100 Mr Gary Wilson, 2 Lindsey Road, Uffington

Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and conversion of detached garage.

Comments submitted by Cllrs. No planning decision received.

S19/0287 Mr Ben Treanor, 47 Main Road, Uffington, PE9 4SN

Change of use from day nursery (D1) to office (B1a). Cllrs need more information before making comments. Clerk to liaise with planning.


5. Reports from outside bodies -none


6. Accounts

Clerk wages January (gross) £151.10

Clerk wages February (gross) £151.10

Litter picker £ 97.50

Printer ink £149.56

Tree £ 19.50

Above prop. Cllr K Genever. Sec. Cllr P Genever

Bank balances at end of February 2019 (before all of the above are taken into account)

Treasurers account £ 411.51

Deposit account £5383.29


7. Any Other Business

Query raised about permissive footpath signage. Clerk to liaise with SKDC.

Allotment rent increased to £20/allotment. Prop. Cllr K Genever. Sec. Cllr Mulvaney

Hedging plants adjacent to the play area that may not have survived the hot summer to be monitored and if necessary replanted at the appropriate time.

Pot holes. Casewick Lane is an ongoing problem. Clerk to report.

Reports can be made via:



Meeting closed 21:05


Next meeting 17th April 2019, 8pm at the Village Hall.

AGM 15th May 2019, 7:45pm. This will be followed by the parish council meeting.