27 February 2020

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 27th February 2020 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Genever, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf , Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes), member of the public: Mr Irvine

Apologies: Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hartley


Minutes of the previous parish council meeting - agreed as a true record.

Prop: Cllr Woolf , Sec: Cllr Genever


1. Matters arising.

Speedwatch – more sessions are scheduled. Data will be analysed to prove effectiveness.

No dog signs - have been fixed

No parking signs – the area of grass belongs to SKDC and not LCC. Action: clerk to contact SKDC.

Play area – no further progress as the land is too wet.

Hedge plants - no further progress as the land is too wet.

Main Road sign – clerk has followed this up along with Main Road sign outside 2 Main Road.

Website – Cllr Woolf and clerk Mrs Thurston will attend training for the new website platform. Ongoing help will be provided when the switch is made.

Noticeboard Casewick Lane – needs to dry out before it can be assessed properly.

Allotments – all allotments now rented out.

Towers and Spires meeting – no longer necessary as an alternative solution has been found.


2. Reports from outside bodies. Report from PCSO. There have been fewer reports of hare coursing in Lincolnshire during February. No reports of anti-social behaviour in Uffington.


3. Correspondence received

Chief Inspector Phil Vickers responded to the letter sent by the Parish Council.

In Stamford the inspector held a neighbourhood role 9-5, Monday-Friday. The service needed an operational role with rotational response 24/7. The Stamford inspector has been moved into this role. The post has been converted rather than lost.

The County Council has withdrawn funding for PCSO's because of their constraints. PCSO's are not moved without good reason but are stationed where they have the greatest value. The number is currently below that which the Chief Inspector would want, and he is looking at ways to increase their presence.

Chairman invitation to Parish Council summit in Grantham 20th March.

This invitation has been accepted and Cllr Brown will give feedback at the next meeting.

Cllrs agreed that individual parish councils should be asked what their priority needs are.

Dog owners.

A member of the public has complained that when dogs are walked in the village the owners are not always clearing up after them. Bagged poo can go in ANY litter bin in the village. Action: clerk to request that litter bin on Main Road is reinstated and look into the possibility of an extra bin on Greatford Road.

Allotment tap

Councillors noted that Adrian Walker has fixed this and charged only for materials.

LCC reply to complaint. Councillors agreed that this was not a satisfactory explanation. Action: a further letter will be drafted by Cllrs Brown and Genever.


4. Planning

No declarations of interest

S20/0019 Casewick Stud, Casewick Park.

S19/1947 Casewick Hall, South Court, Casewick Park. Consent granted by SKDC

SKDC consent granted.

S19/1859 Plot adjacent to 19 Somes Close. Amendment to outline planning permission for the erection of 1x single storey dwelling.


5. Accounts

Clerk wages January (gross) £169.35

Clerk wages February (gross) £169.35

Litter picking January £40.00

Litter picking February £40.00

LCC speed signs £40.00

UVH hire January and February meetings £20.00

LALC subscription £227.39

Wicksteed £85.20

Adrian Walker (allotment tap) £59.29

Allotment revenue £230.00 received (£30.00 outstanding)

Bank balances at end of January (before all of the above are taken into account)

Treasurers account £ 692.38

Deposit account £6413.66


6. Any other Business

Street light opposite Village Hall not working. Action:Cllr Woolf to report.

Uffington Village Hall domain name expires soon. This is to be raised at the next UVH meeting. Cllrs Woolf and Hartley to feed back to the next PC meeting.


Meeting closed: 20:30


Next meeting: 02 April 2020