Approved Minutes 16th November

Uffington Parish Council


Approved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 16th November at 7.45pm


Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan – Vice Chairman, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Genever and three members of public

Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


1-44/2022 - Apologies: Cllr Hartley


2-45/2022 - Approval of minutes from 28th September


The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record subject to the duplication on line 6-36/2022 and to note the Council expenditure for the tree maintenance was too high for this financial year


Pro: Cllr Sheehan         Sec: Cllr Hutchins



3-46/2022 – Matters Arising and Clerks Report

Cllr Brown read through previous minutes dated 28th September 2022 and Clerks report. The request for a convex mirror at the top of Casewick Lane has been put forward to LCC for guidance. It has been recorded that permission from Highways would be needed as there is a risk of reflection for motorists. Cllr Genever suggested contacting the residents who own the hedge at the top of Casewick lane to ask if their hedge could be trimmed down to a height which would give pedestrians more visibility. Clerk to contact residents

The trees along Casewick Lane which are growing through the power lines are no longer the responsibility of the Council. The Council have contacted Western Power to raise the issue and inspectors have confirmed to Cllr Genever that no work is needed.

Routine playground maintenance was undertaken by the working group on 01/11/2022. Await contact from contractor regarding matting enquiry and the ‘Scorpion’ play unit.

A resident has very kindly donated 500 daffodil bulbs and these were all planted by volunteers in the play area and along Manners close.


4-47/2022 – Tree Maintenance

A second quote was obtained from Cllr Brown for the maintenance of the trees in Lindsey Road, The Council discussed at length the comparison and cost of the quotes received. Correspondence was sent to the Council from the resident of number 31 Lindsey Road with a third contractor quote and an offer to pay 50% of the cost. Two invoices would need to be raised

A proposal was put to the Council members to contact number 31 Lindsey Road with the intention of paying half of the cost of quote received from contractor

Pro: Cllr Barratt          Sec: Cllr Hutchins


Clerk to contact resident and contractor


5-48/2022 - Annual Allotment Meeting

The allotment meeting was discussed with all Council members. Notes from the meeting have been publicly shared and will be kept on record. It was agreed it was a good and informative meet with tenants. No concerns raised and no amendments to be made to the tenancy allotment agreement needed.

Comment made from member of public that the common area is not just the ‘Bee area’. It is the common area which all tenants share and should be maintained by everyone. It was replied that this was previously discussed at the allotment meeting and the tenants present were all in agreement that they were happy to help maintain the area going forward.

No comments raised regarding the Bee keeping agreement. To be raised on next month’s agenda for approval.

A suggestion from a member of public to consider a No Mow May in 2023. No Mow May is a national campaign to encourage people not to mow their lawns until the end of May in order to boost the flowers, and nectar, available to pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and moths.  Details of the campaign to be sent next year to allotment tenants to make them aware of the scheme and to be involved.

1 Member of public left the meeting

6-49/2022 – Budget and Precept

Proposal for working group to be formed to hold meeting to discuss 2023 budget and precept request to be brought forward to Januarys meeting for decision.

Working group members Cllr Brown, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hutchins and the Clerk to agree a date for meeting in November

All agreed

7-50/2022 – Speedwatch Update

Speedwatch member gave a full and informative update regarding the group’s progress in the village. Lincolnsire Road safety officer has visited he village to agree the new site locations for speedwatch to take place. It was requested the Parish Council contact the Lincolnsire road safety partnership to ask for feedback on the Data that is being provided and ask for more support as the group felt that this was not currently being given. To ensure that follow up letters for repeat speeding offenders are being sent to individuals

Clerk to receive details and write to the partnership on behalf of the Council

8-51/2022 – Outside Reports


9-52/2022 – Accounts

Cllr Brown asked all Council members to confirm they had read and seen the account details

No comments. Proposal to accept


Pro: Cllr Hutchins                    Sec: Cllr Sheehan


A third Lloyds bank account has now been actioned and the playground maintenance funds will be transferred from the Melton Building society account into the new savings account



10-53/2022 – No declarations no planning

11-54/2022 – Correspondence

Resident has requested that the third tree in Lindsey road be included in the tree maintenance that has been discussed. This has been agreed and included in the current contractor quote

Parish Council printer is now kindly being stored in the Village Hall

Resident requested that the Code of conduct policy be amended. The Council considered this request and took the comments on board but felt that the policy was adequate for Uffington Parish Council and met the standards of behaviour expected. The 7 principles of public life – known as the Nolan principles have been adopted in the Councils policy.

It was also noted that this policy along with all other governance policies will be reviewed at the annual Council meeting in May 2023. Any further comments may be raised at this time for the Council members to consider


A request was received to discuss a potential group to be formed in respect of the Kings Coronation and how best to celebrate this occasion in the village. Cllr Brown suggested a possible open meeting for residents to attend to ask for ideas and volunteers to help organise any event. To possibly encourage the schoolchildren to be involved. The PC will help promote the meeting by posters in the noticeboard and the Council website


12-54/2022 - Any Other business

Pavement outside Croft Farm was raised again

Cllr Barratt had briefly looked into reconditioned and brand new laptops ranging from £150-£300. Cllr Barratt agreed to investigate and send over recommendation on suitable laptop

Clerk to advertise posters for new Christingle service in Church and Christmas carol service

Fr Aran asked for suggestions on how to encourage the community to come together for future remembrance services

Cllr Genever left the meeting


Cllr Sheehan proposed to leave the discussion around the Councils charity policy until the annual policy review taking place in May 2023

Cllr Brown agreed to place a note in the Towers and spires reminding residents of the Council elections next year. Clerk to arrange to have reminders on the Council website and social media channels


Next Council meeting to be held in the Village hall on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 9.10pm