Nov 2024
Uffington Parish Council
Approved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Monday 25th November 2024 at 7pm
Present: Cllr Yvonne Waterfall – Chair, Cllr Brown – Vice Chair, Cllr Genever, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Carr, Cllr Ashley Baxter, Cllr Vanessa Smith and Cllr Rosemary Trollope Bellew
Clerk – Mrs. K Turner
1-56/25 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Church
2-57/25 – Approval of Minutes from 16th October 2024
Cllr Waterfall read through points from previous minutes. The water fountain works on the trough will be re-addressed in the Spring by volunteers. A notice will be published in Towers and Spires regarding problem parking in the village. A request for people to be more mindful of parking on pavements and verges and also details on how residents can report any parking issues on Uffington Parish Council have no jurisdiction regarding parking or problems with parking on the highway. Persistent nuisance parking or parking that is consistently dangerous will be monitored in the village and raised with the Highway’s manager and if necessary, a meeting with Highways to highlight the issues.
The footpath along Casewick Lane was raised with Cllr Baxter. It was reported that all cases raised on Fixmystreet had been taken from the system. Clerk to send details to Cllr Baxter for them to be raised with Highways manager once again.
Letter to be sent to residents along Lindsey Road regarding the play area boundary wall. Clerk to contact S Mutch at SKDC for advice on the play area matting
Proposal or the minutes to be approved as a true and accurate record
Pro: Cllr Barratt Sec: Cllr Genever
3-58/25 – Public Forum
No items raised
4-59/25 – Matters Arising
No items raised
5-60/25 - Proposed 40mph Speed limit on Uffington Road
Cllr Brown proposed that Uffington PC object to the current LCC proposal due to the short space of differing speed limits along the length of the road in the current plan. Uffington Parish Council would like to see 40 mph limit imposed on the whole stretch of road from outside of Uffington Village along Uffington Road, Stamford. A further request to LCC to include pedestrian signs where the footpath crosses over Uffington Road as currently there are no warning signs alerting motorists and road users of this crossing.
Pro: Cllr Brown Sec: Cllr Barratt
6-61/25 – Play Area waste bin – Proposal put forward for Uffington PC to ask the current village litter picker if they could take on the role of emptying the play area bin with a pay of £20 a month for the service
Pro: Cllr Brown Sec: Cllr Carr
Clerk to contact Mrs. J Hartley
7-62/25 – Allotments – The annual Uffington allotment meeting took place on Sunday 27th October. No issues raised by tenants. The bees were discussed and no further concerns raised. Tenants have agreed to undertake any maintenance deemed necessary to the boundary hedges if needed.
Correspondence received by Uffington Parish Council advising of vandalism to trees at the allotment was discussed and without any further evidence the Council cannot pursue the matter any further
Several plots are now available and a notice will be put into Towers and Spires. Uffington Primary School may wish to take on an allotment in the future. Clerk to contact the Headteacher, Mr. Evans
Several tenants have expressed a wish to move plots. Cllr Brown has agreed to meet with tenants concerned to talk through available plots and anyone wishing to swap or move plots.
A request was put to the Council for 3 Indian runner ducks to be allowed on a plot. The Council granted the request on the condition of a 6-month trial and that a copy of the relevant certificate/license is sent to the Clerk
Pro: Cllr Carr Sec: Cllr Barratt
8-63/25 – Proposal for Council meeting dates for 2025 to be approved for the year
All Council meetings to be booked every 6 weeks (or approx.) on a Monday evening (where possible) starting from Monday 13th January 2025. Dates to be displayed on the website and noticeboard when agreed
Clerk to organise with the Village Hall
Pro: Cllr Genever Sec: Cllr Carr
9-64/25 – Proposal to accept the monthly accounts for October 2024
Uffington Parish Council Accounts November 2024
Expenditure Out
LALC Training £36.00
UVH Hall Hire £30.00
Grass Cutting £75.00
Litter Picking Sep, Oct, Nov £120.00
Anglian Water £83.63
Clerks Wages £156.36
Expenses £7.33
Bank balance as at 18.11.2024
Treasurers account: £234.74
Business account: £3559.98
Lloyds Business Savings: £5388.41
Pro: Cllr Barratt Sec: Cllr Genever
10-65/25 – Outside reports
Cllr Vanessa Smith gave the following report
Recycling: The kerbside collection of batteries is going well.
New Waste Depot: Work is now underway on a new depot in Grantham which will be for bin collection, street cleaning and parks maintenance teams. This new depot is needed as the current depot was built in 1970’s, is close to residential properties and is no longer adequate or fit for purpose. The new depot is costing £8.8m and is due to be operational 2025/26
Cattle market Car Park in Stamford: SKDC have recently approved the expansion of this car park. The adjacent brownfield land will be used to create 146 new car parking spaces with 11 accessible bays and 8 EV charging points. (Current capacity is 290)
SKDC and landowner partner Burghley House Preservation Trust Ltd have now entered into purchase agreements with Morris Homes, Inspired Living and Burghley Land Ltd for the St Martin’s Park project on the former Cummins site and adjoining land. The development will feature a designated commercial area; mixed-use area; retirement village; and a range of residential properties, including affordable homes; plus areas of green and open space.
To view any SKDC active consultations go to: (Currently a consultation on SKDC's Air Quality Action Plan - closes on 11th December 2024)
SKDC is running a Make Space for Nature Biodiversity Projects Scheme, which also includes tree planting. The deadline for applications is 16th December 2024.
Community Funding Workshop: SKDC is holding another workshop for community groups on 23 Jan 2025, 6-8pm in Stamford. Free event but tickets will need to be booked.
SKToday: Available online
Tulips to honour airborne forces: Maroon tulips are being offered for planting across the District as part of a growing international Airborne Tulip Memorials trail. SKDC's ‘Soldiers from the Sky’ project is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. A number of free bulbs remain available for visitor sites, schools, parks, parish councils, public spaces and members of the public, possibly with family links to airborne forces. To request bulbs, please email with quantities requested and proposed planting sites.
SKDC discussed Devolution on 21 Nov 24 and has agreed to work to establish the District Joint Committee for the Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Combined County Authority. A suggestion was made that there may be a vote for Lincolnshire's new Mayor as soon as May 2025.
Cllr Rosemary Trollope Bellew had nothing further to add to Cllr Smiths report other than to note that she attended the Uffington Remembrance Church service and gave thanks to members for their tea and biscuits which was very warmly welcomed
Cllr Baxter updated he Council on email correspondence regarding the previous Main Road roadworks that commenced over the Summer and Autumn months. Work have now been completed and will move over to Tallington. The traffic light problems have been raised and apologies were sent and agreed that the delays and inconveniences were unacceptable.
Masonry work on Uffington bridge have been completed up to now. Ore work is needed but weather conditions have had an impact. A 2 week period of works is scheduled for June/July 2025. No road closure will be required for this
Cllr Baxter has had communication from a resident regarding road safety signs to be placed at the junction of Essendine road for horse riders. Clerk to contact Cllr Baxter to raise residents’ concerns over the speeding through this part of the village and to request for a meet with Highways to discuss these concerns
11-66/25 – Declarations
None received
12-67/25 – Planning Notices
S24/1475 - Matthew Bailey, 87 Main Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SN - Installation of ground mounted solar panels at the rear of the property
No objections
13-68/25 – Correspondence
As per list received. Correspondence regarding allotments discussed in item 7
14-69/25- Any Other business
Precept to be raised on Januarys agenda for decision
Thanks given to Clerk for poppies displayed in Village. New remembrance items to be possibly purchased for next year
Meeting closed at 8.25pm
Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Monday 13th January 2025 at 7pm