Minutes 6th July 2023

Uffington Parish Council


Approved Minutes of the Council meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Thursday 6th July 2023 at 7.30pm


Present: Cllr Barrie Brown, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Church, Cllr Waterfall, Cllr Genever-Jones, Cllr Carr, Cllr Smith and three members of the public

Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


1-16/24 – Election of Chairman

Cllr Brown explained that he was willing to continue as Chairman for a short period (possibly three meetings) but would prefer it if a younger member could take over the role and he would then support as vice chairman.

Cllr Brown was duly elected for Chairman on this basis for 2023/2024.

Pro: Cllr brown  Sec: Cllr Waterfall

Unanimous in favour

2-17/24 – Apologies were received from Cllr Trollope-Bellew

Cllr Brown invited members of the public to discuss planning application S22/0537

Several points and concerns were put forward and Cllrs agreed to conduct a site visit to discuss points raised. Cllr Smith agreed to enquire regarding notification procedure to nearby affected residents.

3-18/24 – Approval of minutes from 24th May 2023. Minutes were approved as a true and accurate record with comment form Cllr Carr in respect of more detailed response for concerns raised by residents

Pro: Cllr Barrat   Sec: Cllr Church

4-19/24 - Request for two new dog waste bins. Cllr Smith updated the Council that she had been in contact with SKDC regarding the matter. Unfortunately SKDC will not provide further dog waste bins as bagged dog waste can be added to any waste bin and also own black refuse bins. The Parish Council can purchase their own bins if needed and would need to arrange for these to be emptied as this is not a service offered by SKDC. Clerk to contact officer to request if Uffington could have a normal refuse bin added along Greatford Road and add this to SKDC collection service.

5-20/24 – SKDC Prosperity Fund – Cllrs brought forward ideas for possible grant requests. Cllr Carr suggested a village Information sign with map and walks in and around the village. Entrance signs/white gates to the village with name and possible speed sign. Adult gym area and equipment. Second defibrillator for VH. Cllr Genever to bring this item up at next VH meeting.

Cllr Smith explained that Langtoft had recently put plans together for adult gym equipment. Cllr Smith would get details to pass to Cllr Waterfall and Clerk. Cllr Brown offered to research cost and companies for white entrance signs. To be discussed with Highways manager at the Village walkabout on 25th July. Council members decided to research further on options discussed to bring forward ideas to the next meeting. Possible working groups needed for the larger projects. Cllr Brown also mentioned the possibility of having the commemorative fountain in the village cleaned. Clerk to investigate possible SK community fund for this

6-21/24 – Accounts

Monthly accounts and bank balances were presented for agreement


Expenditure Out from 25/05/2023

Clerks Wages June                                          £178.76

Mrs. J Hartley Litter pick                                  £40.00

UVH hall hire May                                           £20.00

BHIB                                                                £397.84

Anglian Water                                                 £240.97

LALC                                                               £120.00

C Harris                                                           £140.00

A Walker Plumbing                                         £143.64

ICO                                                                  £40.00

Total                                                                £1321.21

Payments in

Interest                                                            £6.90


Bank balance as at 28/06/2023


Treasurers account: £747.03

Business account: £3563.88

Lloyds Business Savings: £6097.46


Pro: Cllr Church Sec: Cllr Genever


7-22/24 – Outside reports - Cllr Smith updated the Council on her attendance at the recent funding workshops that were held by SKDC which proved informative. PCSO monthly reports have been discontinued and all information is now accessible on www.police.uk. SKDC planning committee are objecting to the Mallard Pass solar farm on grounds of the scale of the project and the use of agricultural land. SKDC no longer have any part of the Deepings Leisure centre and the keys have been handed back to LCC. SKtoday magazine has now gone online. There will be further changes in recycling bins with a possibility of each household having another bin in the future.

Cllr Trollope Bellew sent in correspondence to update Council members that she had received residents’ concerns over the build in School Lane. This will be updated once any further information is sent


8-23/24 –Declaration of interest - None

9-24/24 – Planning

S23/1132 – Mr. S Creedy, North Stables, Casewick Park, PE9 4RX – Remove T1 pine to ground level. Comments to be submitted to SKDC – A plan to replant same species and work to commence outside of nesting season

S23/1147 – Hoyes, The Dormers, Main Rd, PE9 4SN – Section 211 Notice to remove cherry tree. Comments to be submitted to SKDC – A plan to replant same species and work to commence outside of nesting season


10-25/24 – Correspondence received from resident regarding overgrown trees and dense vegetation along Main Road and also a damaged litter bin. Members agreed this area is messy and needs attention. Letters have been sent to land owner who claim responsibility is that of Lincolnshire County Council. Photographs and comments submitted to fixmystreet.com. Response given from LCC that they have assessed the area and whist there is minor encroachment they have reported it needs no further action at this time. Area will be discussed with Highways manager on the village walkabout planned for in July. Clerk to contact SKDC regarding the damaged bin


11-26/24 – Site meeting planned for planning notice S23/0537 on 11th July 2023 Cllr Brown, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Church and Cllr Waterfall to attend.

Clerk to advertise for co-option of Councilor as one seat remaining. Possible co-option to be held at the end of August.

Cllr Church raised concerns over speeding at the mini roundabout along Greatford Road. Would like to see a 20mph limit imposed. To be raised at village walkabout with Highways manager.

Broken School Lane sign has been reported to LCC

Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Meeting closed at 8.55pm