Approved Minutes 20th February 2023

Uffington Parish Council


Unapproved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Monday 20th February 2023


Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan – Vice Chairman, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Trollope Bellew, and five members of public

Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


1-68/2023 - Apologies: Cllr K Cooke, Cllr Church and Cllr Genever


2-69/2023 - Approval of minutes from 9th January 2023


Cllr Brown read through the previous minutes of the meeting dated 9th January


The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record subject to comment from Cllr Sheehan regarding the duplicate entry of seconder on item 6-60/2023. Amended to read Cllr Church as seconder from manual minutes taken


Pro: Cllr Hutchins                    Sec: Cllr Sheehan



3-70/2023Matters Arising

Clerk to contact residents on Casewick Lane to request height of hedge to be trimmed down to help with pedestrian visibility

New Parish Council laptop has been purchased. Clerk to transfer data across

The tree maintenance in Lindsey Road has been carried out and after a visual review and discussion the Parish Council are happy with the works that have been done and no further action needed.

Parking along Casewick Lane has been raised with relevant departments. Clerk to continue the request for traffic management along the verge.

4-71/2023 – Uffington Parish Council Noticeboard

The Parish Council received a request from the landowner for the noticeboard to be removed from outside of Croft Farm on Casewick Lane as a result of a decision for the board to be kept locked in March 2022. Cllr Brown and Cllr Hutchins explained the decision to lock the board was taken by the Parish Council due to several incidents of papers and documents being removed and defaced. Also, a formal complaint was raised against the Council in 2021 regarding transparency and all papers needing to be clearly displayed on the board. Any notices to be put on the board can be requested by emailing the Clerk or posting to 30 Lindsey Road.

Councillors discussed a potential new area for the board to be placed and the only plausible location would be for the board to be placed at the play park/green area.  The new location will be locally advertised in the Towers and Spires and a note placed in the board before it is removed. Several Cllrs volunteered to remove the board and place at the park in the next two weeks. All Councillors in favour of the new site



5-72/2023 – Request for a Pétanque Court

A request was made to the Parish Council for a Pétanque court to be placed on the green space at the childrens play area.

Resident was invited to explain to the Council members about the request. No objections to the request of having a court in the village but several concerns were raised by Council members about suitability of the Court being placed in the childrens play area.  The green space was originally left for all to enjoy and for ball games, picnics etc. Cllrs agreed it would be a good asset for the village but were not convinced that the play area was the right space. Points were raised regarding funding of the court, general maintenance, insurance liabilities and disturbance to residents living in close proximity of the green. Suggestions for the Court to be placed at the Pound field were given.

It was decided for Cllrs Brown and Hutchins to meet with resident for a site visit to map out the area and for the Clerk to write to all residents affected to update them and ask for any comments

6-73/2023Kings Coronation

A note was placed in the Towers and Spires asking for volunteers to help organise an event. No volunteers at present. Largely due to a large number of residents already helping organise Uffington Scarecrows event the week prior to the Coronation. The Parish Council were unaware of any events being ran for the Kings Coronation. A VH representative explained that there is a plan for a tea party with a Ceilidh dance held on 7th May and rounders match on Monday 8th 2023. A bunting workshop has also been organised. Cllr Trollope Bellew noted that there would be a community fund grant running for any Coronation events that the Parish Council could apply for.

Suggestions were brought forward for a possible new noticeboard with a commemorative plaque or packets of wildflower seeds with the official Coronation emblem printed.

Clerk to research costs for both noticeboards and paper packets with printing for seeds.

Clerk to receive quotes from VH suppliers for the expenditure for the Coronation events planned

7-74/2023 Outside Reports

Cllr Trollope Bellew read through her report for this month. As from 4th May 2023 all voters will be required to show an acceptable form of photo ID at the polling station before they are able to vote in person or proxy. If you dont have any form of ID such as a driving licence or passport but wish to vote in person you can apply for a voter authority certificate by completing a paper application (deadline to apply id 5pm on Tuesday April 2023) by calling SKDC on 01476 406080 or email the election team at Further information can be found on the SKDC website under District, Parish or Town elections May 2023

For interested partied to continue to be able to have their say on the Mallard Pass proposal you need to register by 2nd March. Information is available on the Mallard Pass Action group website. At Essendine village hall they are hosting an evening of entertainment with proceeds going to MPAG on Saturday 25th February between 7-11pm £5 per ticket and pay at the door. Bring your own alcohol and glasses. For further details call 07938132093

Cllr Cooke report is attached as a separate report

8-75/2023 – Accounts


Uffington Parish Council Accounts February 2023

Expenditure Out from 09/01/2023

Clerks Wages January                               £160.64

Woodcraft Tree Services                          £600.00

Mrs. J Hartley Litter pick                           £40.00

LALC                                                          £232.13

D Barratt – PC Laptop reimbursement     £329.00


Total                                                          £1361.77

Payments in

       Interest                                                     £4.64

       Allotment Rent 2023                                 £62.00

Bank balance as at 13/02/2023


Treasurers account: £669.46

Business account:£3024.89

Lloyds Business Savings: £6083.70

Melton Mowbray BS:£NIL


Cllr Brown asked all Council members to confirm they had read and seen the account details

No comments. Proposal to accept


Pro: Cllr Hartley          Sec: Cllr Barratt



09-76/2023 – No declarations no planning

10-77/2023 – Planning Notices

S22/2423 - T1 - Ash tree fell to ground level. 9 Bertie Lane, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SZ. Cllr Barratt advised that his comment and phone calls had not been acknowledged or considered by SKDC. The works on felling the tree were completed on 10/02/2023. Cllr Brown proposed that Uffington Parish Council send in formal complaint to the way this application had been managed, also how the decision had been taken to fell a healthy tree.  Cllr Rosemary Trollope Bellew advised to contact Karen Bradford at SKDC with the complaint


S23/0089 - 1 acer tree - to reduce by max 1/3 shape and 1 cedar - to reduce by 1/3 and shape/balance. 89 Main Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SN

No Objections raised

S23/0096 - Mr. Ben Treanor, Erection of 1no. dwelling and conversion of existing outbuilding. 47 Main Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SN. Cllr Brown advised that several Council members met for a site visit to talk through the proposed plans.  Cllrs Hutchins, Genever, Hartley, Sheehan and Brown met at 47 Main Road for a site meeting which had been requested by Cllr Genever. Cllr Genever had concerns that the proposed dwelling was too large for the site, in particular at the north and east boundarys where there was only a short gap between it and the boundary wall (approx. 1metre). This was not the view of the other Councillors present who also confirmed that the proposed dwelling did not impede on the privacy of any neighbouring land or deprive of any light. Councillor Sheehan was asked if he considered the proposal could impact on the designated conservation area. He confirmed the view of the other councilors that it did not as it could not be viewed from the Main Road or affect other properties in the location. Cllr Brown then asked for any objections to the proposal, Cllrs Sheehan, Hutchins, Hartley and Cllr Brown had none, Cllr Genever was still of the opinion it should be classed as over development. On this basis the majority view was that there should be no objections from Uffington Parish Council to the application.

No objections

S23/0055 - Land to The North of Stamford, Outline planning application for the erection of up to 1,350 residential units. Cllrs commented that the proposed plans were lengthy and they had been read through. No further discussion or comments made on application.

No objections

11-78/2023- Correspondence

Cllr Trollope Bellew included voter ID in her report. More information to be circulated when available.

Uffington Road, Stamford – Proposed 30mph Speed limit. The Council members discussed the correspondence from LCC regarding the extension of the proposed speed limit. Clerk to write to LCC and Cllr Baxter with comments on how the speed limit of 30 mph should include Newstead Corner

Two allotment plots have been relinquished. No further residents as of this date are on waiting list. An offer will be put out to village residents before offering a place to anyone outside of the village. Member of public suggested offering the plot to the school

Complaint from resident regarding vehicles parked on School Lane corner. Request from resident for the PC to action. Cllr Hartley had spoken to Sgt Crisp regarding the issue. Police would only offer advisory to resident. PCSO has notified that it is the Local authority jurisdiction. The Parish Council also have no legal jurisdiction or power regarding parking on the Highways. It was agreed to contact Cllr Ashley Baxter at SKDC with a view to organise an urgent village walkabout to highlight issues with the new Highways manager at LCC

Mallard Pass registration –Cllr Brown and Cllr Sheehan to draft Uffington register of interest by 3rd March


12-79/2023 - Any Other business

Cllr Hutchins commented on the new street lighting in Lindsey Road and that general lighting in the village at night was poor. A resident also expressed concern.

No further business from Councillors.

Member of public raised that the new safety barrier outside of the village hall has been dented and damaged again, also for a map to be produced to highlight notice board locations and other points of interest. Clerk to gather specifics and to produce with the help of Cllr Sheehan

Member of public noted that the new placement of the 30mph sign leaving the village along Main Road is causing concern for safety when turning into a residential road. Parish Council agreed to add notes into the LCC speed limit proposal to review the whole stretch of road from Newstead corner to include the safety of the footpath crossing along Main Road

Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 4th April 2023 at 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 9.05pm