5 November 2020

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held remotely on Thursday 5th November 2020 at 7:30pm

Present by zoom: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Genever, Cllr Cooke and seven members of the public. Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes)


1. Apologies: Cllr Trollope-Bellew


2. Minutes of the previous meeting 24th September: agreed.

Proposer: Cllr Sheehan, Second: Cllr Woolf


3. Matters arising – charity policy

Councillors had agreed to adopt this at the last meeting. They unanimously agreed that the wording be changed slightly to say that the parish council would be prepared to consider requests for financial support. It was clarified that discussions would be on a case by case basis.


4. Allotments

Tenancy agreement.

This was discussed and finalised. Proposer: Cllr Woolf, Second: Cllr Hartley

Action: Cllr Hutchins will update this and the clerk will circulate to the councillors.

Bee keeping agreement.

This was discussed and finalised. Proposer: Cllr Genever, Second: Cllr Hartley

Action: Cllr Woolf will update this and the clerk will circulate to the councillors.

Allotment dispute.

Following a lively discussion, the councillors made the decision to consider this further at a closed parish council zoom meeting due to the sensitivity of the emails under discussion.


5. Wild flowers

Two areas of the allotment common land and the footpath alongside the play area have been identified for planting with wild flower seeds. Other areas may be included after these have establish themselves.


6. Speedwatch update

75 sessions have now been completed. There have been several breaks during lockdowns but volunteers remain committed. A full report will be given at a future meeting.


7. Website update.

The clerk reported that she is unable to complete the website as the process is lengthy. Several experts have been recommended by other parish clerks. Councillors agreed that they would employ a website expert to complete the task. Proposer: Cllr Woolf, Second: Cllr Hartley.


8. Reports from outside bodies

Cllr Cooke reported that there is a new corporate plan and corporate restructure.

Plans for the new Deeping Leisure Centre and high-quality gym have moved forwards.

Further monies have been given to help businesses during the second lockdown.

A council house stock audit has revealed outstanding issues. An action plan is now in place.


9. Accounts


Speed sign site visit £114.00

Litter picking October £40

Clerk wages October (gross) £391.78

Wave allotment water £26.63

Stamps £7.80

Zoom subscription £28.78


Community cleaning grant £226.72

Bank balance as at 3rd November 2020

Treasurers account: £613.87

Business account : £7077.41

Proposer: Cllr Sheehan, Second: Cllr Hutchins.


10. There were no declarations of interest for planning.


11. Planning

S20/1704 83 Main Road, Uffington. Proposal: Tree pollarding to willow and poplar.

Discussed with no objections.

S20/1647 65 Main Road, Uffington. Listed building consent. Internal alterations including kitchen refit, replacement flooring, lining chimney and installation of log burner. External alterations including repointing front elevation and replacement rear upvc windows and door. Discussed with no objections.

S20/1860 The Dormers, Main Road, Uffington. Proposal: Reduction of height and removal of branches. Various trees. Discussed with no objections.


12. Correspondence

Sustainable Stamford have submitted their plan for footpaths and cycle paths.

The annual playground safety check is scheduled for 9th November.


Any other business

Needham Allen Close residents use the verge for parking. Cllr Cooke will take this forward with SKDC and ask for some possible parking solutions.

Timber items on the playground are in need of attention. The original supplier is to be contacted for advice.

The trees adjoining the path to the side of the playground need expert maintenance.

Cllr Genever has discussed with the owner of 29 Main Road, the possibility of reducing the wall height to make the wall safe.

No footpath from the Greatford Road edge of the village to the Cricket Club. Action: Clerk to contact LCC.

Health and Safety issue caused by placement of bins after emptying them. Cllr Cooke will take this forwards.


Meeting closed at 9:05pm. Next meeting: Thursday 17th December @ 19:30 by zoom unless social distancing guidelines change.