15 May 2019 - Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 15th May 2019

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr P Genever, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Barratt, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew, Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes), members of the public: Mr R Irvine, Mrs V Kimberley

Apologies : Cllr K Cooke


1. Declarations of acceptance of office

Completed by all councillors


2. Election of officers for 2019-2020

Cllr Brown nominated. Prop. Cllr Hutchins, Sec Cllr Hartley. No further nominations.

Vice chairman - Cllr Sheehan nominated. Prop Cllr Genever sec Cllr Barratt. No further nominations.


3 Minutes of the previous parish council meeting 17th April- agreed as a true record.

Prop. Cllr Sheehan, Sec Cllr Genever


4 Matters arising

Defibrillator – The defibrillator is now in use. It is installed on the outside wall of The Bertie adjacent to the car park.

Dr D Babbs is the guardian for the defib, Cllr Barratt will be the back-up guardian.

Replacement defibrillator pads will be sourced and funded by the Parish Council.

East Midlands Ambulance Service can give out the key code even if the defib has not been set back into use. A national defibrillator database will be live at the end of the year.


There is a vacant seat on the Parish Council. The existing council will co-opt at the next meeting. Sarah Woolf and Kate Genever have expressed an interest.


5 Reports from outside bodies: Cllr R Trollope-Bellew

Independent councillors took some Conservative seats both Cllr R Trollope-Bellew and Cllr Cooke continue to represent Casewick Ward.

New councillors congratulated on their appointment.

Village Scarecrow Event was once again well supported- thanks to the organisers.

Flooding at the junction of Casewick Lane/School Lane should be rectified next week.

Ward Councillors grant for Uffington Village Hall is in progress.

Newstead Broadband – Cllr Trollope Bellew to contact Richard Davies.

Finger post formerly at School Lane/ Casewick Lane will be reinstated shortly.


6 Correspondence

Allotment concerns

Concerns have been raised about the safe disposal of allotment waste by burning.

Councillors discussed potential solutions.

Cllr Brown has guidelines from the National Allotment Association which will be issued to all of the allotment holders. Cllr Genever offered to remove any large quantities of waste.


7 Speedwatch scheme

It was agreed that this item would be discussed at the next meeting.


8 Declarations of interest - none.


9 Planning

S19/0730 Teesdale, re-siting of school shop structure, Copthill School, Barnack Road

Discussed and comments made.


10 Accounts

Annual internal audit report 2018/19 received and noted. Internal auditor Dr John Baldwin.

Annual Governance statement 2018/19 approved and signed by chairman Cllr B Brown and Clerk L Thurston

Accounting statements for 2018/19 approved and signed by Chairman Cllr Brown

Prop: Cllr Sheehan Sec: Cllr Genever

Criteria for exemption 2018/19 agreed as met, signed by chairman Cllr B Brown

Copies of the full Audit Report will be on Uffington Parish Website. These accounts can be viewed by appointment for 30 working days between 03 June 2019 and 12 July 2019 at Thatched Cottage, Newstead.

April accounts

Litter picker April £40.00

Clerks wages April (gross) £152.11

Grass cutting £165.00

Precept £4000

SKDC community cleaner grant £213.46

Bank balances at end of April 2019 ((before the above are taken into account):

Treasurers account £ 85.78

Deposit account £9083.74

Melton Mowbray account £9765.89

Banking signatories

Lloyds bank account. Ex-councillors Mulvaney, Dodsworth and Babbs to be removed as signatories. Cllr Sheehan to be added as a signatory.


11 AOB

Main Road sign, posts have rotted. Has been reported.

Former Mulberry Bush Nursery – no guarantee that parking agreement for UVH events will continue.

Pot holes – Barnack Road, School Lane, Bertie Lane, Casewick Lane, Essendine Road, Greatford Road.

Flooding – Newstead, exit to village by The Coach House and Casewick Lane.

Dog fouling – has become a problem on Pound Field. Dogs should not be exercised there.


Meeting closed 21:40. Next meeting Thursday 20th June 2019, 19:30 at the Village Hall.