11 September 2019
Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 11th September 2019
Present: Cllr Sheehan (chair) Cllr Genever, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf , Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes), Cllr Trollope-Bellew. One member of the public.
Apologies: Cllr Brown, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Cooke
1. Minutes of the previous parish council meeting 1st August 2019
Amendment: Cllr Woolf and not Cllr Hartley to look into the next steps for speedwatch scheme. Otherwise agreed as a true record. Prop: Cllr Sheehan, Sec: Cllr Barratt
2. Matters arising
Potholes on Casewick Lane. Some have been mended. Advice is to continue to report.
Drainage issues. All have been reported but no heavy rain since. Clllrs to monitor.
Tile mended on bus shelter – thanks to Cllrs Genever and Brown. Guttering still to be mended.
3. Speedwatch
All equipment has been ordered.
Twenty people have expressed an interest. Training will be on Friday 13th September.
4. Reports from outside bodies
There are internal staff movements at both LCC and SKDC.
Bourne Cicle festival was successful and attracted people into the town but traders reported a downturn.
5. Correspondence
There has been an increase in dog poo on the mown area of grass on Greatford Road.
Dog owners have a legal duty to clean up every time their dog messes in a public place.
Dogs are also being exercised on the Pound Field. No dogs are allowed here - clerk to order new signs for the gates.
Annual playground inspection is due: Councillors agreed that an accompanied inspection should take place. Prop: Cllr Genever, Sec: Cllr Hartley.
6. Planning
S19/1361 Mr Bruce Petrie, Prune 1 x Ash tree and 1 x Lime tree overhanging neighbouring. 31 Main Road, Uffington. Decision notice received from SKDC – permission granted
S19/1297 Replace existing septic tank with package treatment plant, Casewick Hall – discussed and no objections from parish council.
S19/0966 Works to trees, South Court Casewick Hall. Decision notice received from SKDC – permission granted.
S19/1144 & S19/1118 Julia Wight. The Barn, Casewick Park. Listed Building & planning consents approved by SKDC.
S19/1441 Simon Banks, Change of use to B8 from 1/10/2019. Carrs Lodge Farm, Newstead Lane.
The local authority is required to determine if the change of use is permitted development and there is no requirement to state what the storage and distribution is for.
Councillors asked for further details about the intended use of this barn in order to make an informed decision but no further details could be provided.
7. Accounts
Grass cutting 30/07 & 15/08 £110
Water bill for allotments 03/05 – 02/08 £165.06
Litter picking August £40.00
Clerk wages August 169.35 (gross)
SKDC Electoral services for uncontested election 02/05 £76.50
Speedwatch £96.84
Bank balances at end of August 2019 ((before all of the above are taken into account):
Treasurers account £ 785.31
Deposit account £7798.65
Prop: Cllr Barrett, Sec Cllr Sheehan
8. Any other business
Fixed speed sign has gone for repair.
Weight restriction sign at Copthill bend lying on grass. Clerk to report.
Tallington level crossing committee – there is still no funding from Network Rail, County or District Councils for a bypass or bridge.
Meeting closed at 20:15.
Next meeting 24th October 2019 at 19:30. All welcome.