November 2023

Uffington Parish Council


Approved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 8th November at 7.45pm


Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Genever, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Carr, Cllr Waterfall, Cllr Smith and 5 members of public

Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


Public Forum: 

Cllr Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting. Representatives from Tallington Parish Council were invited to talk through and discuss plans and ideas for a footpath from Tallington to Uffington to link the villages and Stamford. Possible funding available from the SKDC prosperity fund. A survey carried out in Tallington recognised that residents of the village would be in favour of a footpath. Tallington PC would be raising this item on their agenda for their next meeting and will communicate back to Uffington members


1-49/24 - Apologies: Cllr R Trollope Bellew, Cllr Church


2-50/24 – Approval of minutes from 27th September 2023


The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record

Pro: Cllr Genever Sec: Cllr Barratt


Cllr Brown then moved item 5 from the agenda for discussion


3- 51/24 –Uffington Parish Council Tree Policy

A proposal was made to adopt the Uffington Parish Tree policy

Pro: Cllr Waterfall              Sec: Cllr Barratt

All in favour


It was noted that there is no longer a dedicated tree officer at SKDC. Cllr Smith has been helping to gain advice regarding tree protection orders for the village. The request for further maintenance works to be carried out on the trees on Lindsey road was denied. No further works are necessary on the Parish Council contractors advisory.


4-52/24 – Matters Arising

Cllr Brown read through the minutes dated 27th September. Cllr Smith reiterated that SKDC will not empty any litter bins that are purchased by the Parish Council. Clerk to chase up works on the blocked culvert. Clerk to organise application for new village entrance signs through the SKDC prosperity fund.

The Uffington village bulb planting day was a success in October and saw volunteers and residents come together to work hard in planting the bulbs. Uffington Paris Council expressed thanks to Liz Genever for the organising of the day and for the refreshments. Several members are to meet on the 18th November to look at the green space at the allotment area with a representative from the Langdyke trust. A member of the public suggested more wildflower verges as part of the nature recovery plan.


5-53/24Outside reports

Report given from Cllr Vanessa Smith

SKDC Website: SKDC has a new website. Please get in touch if you spot any issues


Recycling: Purple lidded bins are due for delivery later this month with the separate card/paper collections starting in the New Year.  Everyone should have received a letter from the Council with further details and the 2024 bin calendar.


SKDC Full Council have recently approved to increase Housing Development investment by £1m to be able to purchase properties to increase Council's Housing Stock


SKDC Full Council have last month approved funding for a new waste depot in Grantham


SKDC will be upgrading all its street lights to LEDS


SK Funding workshops: Information evenings for community groups on the various pots of money available, such as UK Shared Prosperity Fund, SK Community fund, LotterySK and how to apply. Further sessions will be held: 18 Jan- Grantham, 21 Mar - Bourne.


Meet the Cabinet sessions: An opportunity to meet the Councilors who form the SKDC Cabinet. 27th November in Corn Exchange, Bourne.  Session are drop in, no appointment necessary from 1-2pm


Lincolnshire Resilience Forum: Anyone who would like to get involved as an individual can join as a Ready for Anything Volunteer: 


Congratulations to Tallington who came runners up in the SKDC Community in Bloom Award.


6-54/24– Accounts - Monthly accounts and bank balances were presented for agreement


Uffington Parish Council Accounts October 2023

Expenditure Out

C Harris Grass mowing                                   £70.00

Clerks wages Oct                                             £179.36

Flower Bulb Invoice                                        £250.00*


Payments in

Interest                                                           £8.41


Bank balance as at 01/11/2023


Treasurers account:                                        £786.95

Business account:                                            £2,024.90

Lloyds Business Savings:                                  £6,117.74 (reserves)


*£100 donation from PC plus £150.00 donation from the Village Hall


Proposal to accept the monthly accounts

Pro: Cllr Genever Sec: Cllr Carr


Thanks was given to Mr. David Babbs for his generosity once again this year for donating bulbs for the village


7-55/24 – Allotments

The annual allotment meeting took place on Sunday 15th October. A concern regarding rodent poison being used at the allotments was raised and discussed. A tenant had been using poison and was requested to refrain from doing so until pest control had visited the site for further advice. The allotment group will continue to monitor the situation. A request for an increase of chickens on one plot from 6 to 10 was discussed with members. The Councilors agreed that 6 chickens is proportionate to the size of the plots and therefore declined the request. The maximum amount of chickens to be held on one plot remains at 6 as per the allotment agreement.


8-56/24 – Declarations of Interest

None received

9-57/24 – Planning

S23/1187 (previously S23/ 0096) - 47 Main Road, PE9 4SN, Erection of 1no. dwelling and conversion of existing outbuilding. Council members noted that the floor area and height has been reduced. This still does not address any factors made by SKDC in their original refusal of the application. Uffington Parish Council is still in favour of SKDC’s refusal of this application

S23/1644 -4 School Lane, Uffington PE9 4SU – Single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling. Uffington Council strongly objects to the proposed extension. The inappropriate scale and massing, it is considered that the proposed extension would represent a cramped and overbearing form of development that would be out of context with the surrounding residential character. The proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the outlook from neighbouring properties that would adversely affect upon their amenity.

10-58/24 – Correspondence

Clerk to contact Cllr Baxter to request the footpath extension along Greatford Road to be included on an agenda item at the next LCC Highways meeting

Clerk to contact Cllr Smith and Cllr Baxter in reference to a request for a designated disabled parking space for residents in the Bertie lane bungalows.

11-59/24- Any Other business

Member of public raised issue of overgrown plants along footpath on Lindsey Road. Cllr Genever, Cllr Carr and representatives from the UVH committee will be attending a meeting on Sunday 12th November to discuss the next stage of the nature recovery plan


Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall provisionally on Wednesday 10th January 2024 at 7.45pm


Meeting closed at 9.30pm