Draft Minutes Sep 2024

Uffington Parish Council


Unapproved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 7.45pm


Present: Yvonne Waterfall – Chairman, Cllr Brown – Vice Chair, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Carr, Cllr Church, Cllr Genever, Cllr Smith and one member of the public
Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


None received

2-30/25 – Approval of minutes from 29th May 2024 – Cllr Waterfall noted that all minutes and agendas were visible on the Uffington Parish Council website for public view. The streetlight on Casewick Lane has now been cleared of obstruction by the trees for SKDC to carry out maintenance.

The Minutes were approved as a true and accurate record

Pro: Cllr Brown    Sec: Cllr Church


3-31/25Public Forum

Resident informed the Parish Council that BT Openreach had visited Lindsey Road to carry out maintenance works and left mess and untidy work. Resident has raised formal complaint with BT.
4-32/25Matters Arising
The village fountain on Main Road has been cleaned and restored by Cllr Brown and volunteers from the Village. Thanks given to both Mrs. Hutchins & Cllr Brown for their efforts. A proposal for stone to be brought to fill the trough to prevent it from becoming full of dirt/debris was put to the Council which was agreed.

Cllr Genever explained that a plan will be worked upon and put forward for the SKDC biodiversity funding.

5-33/25Bertie Lane Car Parking

A request was received from a resident for help in obtaining a designated disabled parking space along Bertie Lane. The Parish Council contacted Lincs Highways regarding the request and unfortunately the request has been denied at this time. Cllr Brown to inform resident and update them
6-34/25Code of Conduct

The current code of conduct based on SKDC policy was adopted by Uffington PC in 2023. This year’s policy will be brought to the next PC meeting in October for adoption by Cllrs for 2024
7-35/25 Allotments

Half a plot at Uffington allotments remains empty and available to rent. The annual allotment meeting date was agreed for Sunday 20th October 2024

8 -36/25Parish Council Noticeboard

A proposal was put forward for the Parish Council noticeboard to be solely used for Parish Council notices

Pro: Cllr Genever Sec: Cllr Barratt

A notice to be advertised in the PC board that anyone is able to post notices on the previous board located outside of Croft Farm on Casewick Lane

9- 37/25Accounts

Proposal put forward to agree all expenditure from May 2024 to process payment of HIC testing from Lloyd’s reserve account £810

Clerks wages May                                                      -£166.17            

 J Hartley x 4 Invoices                                                -£160.00            

UVH Hall Hire                                                              -£15.00              

 C Harris x 3 Invoices May, June & July                   -£225.00            

Clear Council Insurance renewal                             -£436.60            

Clerks Wages June                                                   -£156.36            

Clerks Wages July                                                    -£156.36            


Add: any un-banked cash                                                                       -           

Transfer from Treasury                                              1,000.0             

Allotment payments                                                  37.5     




Net balances as at 21.08.2024                                 £750.78

Pro: Cllr Church   Sec: Cllr Barratt


10-38/25Outside Reports

Cllr Smith gave her District report as below

District Matters


Recycling: From 16th September SKDC will be offering kerbside collection of batteries and single use vapes. These can be left in a clear plastic bag next to the wheelie bin every week.  It is hoped this new measure will reduce fires in bin lorries and recycling centres which can occur when batteries are crushed or damaged when they are inappropriately put into wheelie bins. Batteries can still be recycled at retail outlets as before.


SKDC Community Awards: Nominations are now open for the community awards and close on 20th September. Categories include: Inspirational young person, Community contribution by business, Lifetime Community Champion, Beyond the call of duty and Community in Bloom award. https://ow.ly/IBaY50SFqaI


Mini Orchard Grant: The second phase of funding for parish councils and community groups to apply for up to £1,500 to plant mini-orchards is open and accepting applications https://ow.ly/FNpl50QFAWZ (open until 27th September) 


Evening for community groups on funding opportunities available: 19th September in Bourne.

SKDC and Parish Council Forum.  Will be taking place over the next few weeks. Local Parish Clerks / Town Clerks have been invited to attend and representatives of SKDC’s core management team will be present.

Thursday 12th September – Stamford

Tuesday 8th October – Market Deeping

Monday 14th October – Bourne


Review of the SKDC Local Plan: No further update


To view any SKDC active consultations go to: https://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/consultations 

At present there is a consultation on the 2025/26 Council Tax Support Scheme (runs until 30th September)



Mallard Pass: Approved in July 2024


New Lincolnshire Reservoir (Scredington): Initial consultation now closed


Uffington Specific:


I have reported the broken sign outside The Charters


Information from LCC regarding disabled parking has been passed on to the Clerk


County Matters I am aware of - please contact Cllr Baxter (county councillor) for more information


Quarrying: The Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Preferred Approach has recently opened for consultation.  Sites include West Deeping: //www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/planning/minerals-waste

This runs until 24th September.


Flooding: Section 19 report from LCC investigating the cause of the flooding following Storm Henk was due by August 2024


11-39/25Declaration of interest

None Received

None received

13-41/25 – Correspondence

Correspondence received from resident regarding waste bins being left on pavement and obstructing view when exiting a driveway. Uffington Parish Council have no jurisdiction over bins on the highway or pavements and any concerns or queries need to be raised with SKDC. A suggestion of communication with the owner of the bins to politely request that the bins are brought back in within a reasonable time

Cllr Church advised Cllrs that the hedge on Somes Close was overgrown it was noted that the owners of the hedge trim these hedges back when required after nesting season is over

The HIC testing report for the playground equipment has been received. Clerk to contact contractor to request more information on what remedial works are needed (if required) and quotation on cost


14-42/25 – Any Other Business for future meetings

The bin in the children’s area is being used wrongly with items of food being disposed of. Cllr Brown has been a volunteer emptying this bin at the play area as SKDC do not collect the refuse from this bin. Cllr Brown is relinquishing this role and a new volunteer is needed. An advertisement will be put into the Village magazine for a new volunteer. If not fulfilled by volunteer an outside contractor will need to be found at a cost to UPC


Meeting closed at 8.45pm


Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall provisional dates 16th, 21st & 22nd October 2024. TBC