20 June 2019

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on  Thursday 20th June 2019

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Barratt, Cllr R Trollope-Bellew, Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes), members of the public: Mr R Irvine, Mrs S Woolf, Mr N Staples

Apologies : Cllr Genever, Cllr Cooke, PCSO Michelle Laughton


1. Minutes of the previous parish council meeting 15th May- agreed as a true record.

Prop. Cllr Barratt, Sec Cllr Hutchins


2. Matters arising. Many pot-holes have been filled. Casewick Lane is on the schedule and should be actioned in the next few weeks.


3. Speedwatch scheme

Ralph Roberts an ex-police officer outlined the speedwatch scheme. Three people at a time would be needed to operate the radar gun, clicker and keep notes.

Councillors agreed to gauge the support for this before committing financially.


4. Co-option to Parish Council

Sarah Woolf was co-opted on to the Council. Prop. Cllr Sheehan. Sec. Cllr Hartley.


5. Reports from outside bodies -


6. Correspondence

Parking. Concerns have been raised about the increase in parking around the junctions and bends near the school and parking on pavements in the village. PCSO’s have been patrolling and will continue to monitor this.

Bird wire at play area – A request has been made for bird wire along the top of the swings as swing seats are becoming very messy. Plastic bird wire can be sourced for £70 - £80. Prop. Cllr Hutchins. Sec. Cllr Woolf.

Mowing returns – received.

Allotments – further correspondence re: bonfires received and discussed. The councillors consider that they have dealt with all of the concerns arising in the correct manner. This matter is now closed.


7. Declarations of interest - none


8. Planning

S19/1038 Mrs T Arntson, The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick

Reduce 1 x ash & 1 x hawthorn. Discussed.

S19/1039 Mrs T Arntson, The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick

Reduce 1x cherry tree The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick. Discussed.

S19/0009 Mr James Genever, Bertie Arms, Uffington. Planning permission approved bySKDC.

S19/0010 Mr James Genever Bertie Arms, Uffington. Planning permission approved by SKDC.


9. Accounts

May accounts

Grass cutting £110.00

Insurance £251.90

Clerks wages May £169.35 (gross)

Litter picker May £40.00

Information Commissioner (GDPR) £40.00

Uffington Village Hall £45.00 (4 ½ hours 17/04/19 – 20/06/19)

Bank balances at end of May 2019 ((before the above are taken into account):

Treasurers account £ 1521.47

Deposit account £ 8697.57


10. Banking signatories

Lloyds bank account. Cllr Sarah Woolf to be added as a signatory.


11. AOB

Dog fouling – has become a problem in the village. Dog owners are reminded to pick up after their dog.

Mrs Chantrell has had her wall adjoining the play area repaired.

Mr Staples discussed with councillors the idea of a convex mirror at the mini roundabout on Greatford Road to improve safety. A licence will be needed if sited on the verge. Councillors agreed to buy a mirror. Mr Staples will install the mirror. Prop Cllr Hartley, Sec Cllr Hutchins.

Drains in Casewick Lane are not working as they should. Clerk to report.


Meeting closed 21:00.

Next meeting Thursday 1st August 19:30 at the Village Hall – all welcome.