Unapproved Minutes January 2025
Uffington Parish Council
Unapproved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Monday 13th January 2025 at 7pm
Present: Cllr Yvonne Waterfall – Chair, Cllr Genever, Cllr Carr and Cllr Vanessa Smith
Clerk – Mrs. K Turner
1-70/25 – Apologies
Apologies received from Cllr Brown, Cllr Ashley Baxter & Cllr Rosemary Trollope Bellew
2-71/25 – Approval of Minutes from 25th November 2024
Cllr Waterfall read through points from previous minutes.
Proposal or the minutes to be approved as a true and accurate record
Pro: Cllr Genever Sec: Cllr Carr
Item 8 moved to next item of discussion for Cllr Smiths report
3-72/25 - Outside Reports
District Matters
Bin Collection: Recent disruption on account of flooding - some bin collections may be delayed by up to three days. SKDC will collect Christmas Trees if left out on the same day as a Green Bin collection. Residents do not need to subscribe to the Green Bins in order to qualify for this. Scheduled Green bin collections will be delayed from this week to next week (where there are no scheduled green collections). This is to free up crews to cope with the recent backlog caused by the flooding
Local Flooding: A number of properties in Greatford flooded 6th Jan. Various organisations including SKDC, LCC and the Lincolnshire resilience team helped to support the residents at this difficult time.
Community Funding Workshop: SKDC is holding another workshop for community groups on 23 Jan 2025, 6-8pm in Stamford. Free event but tickets will need to be booked. https://buytickets.at/southkestevendistrictcouncil/1526726
Tulips to honour airborne forces: Bulbs went quickly due to high demand. SKDC hope to run a similar project next year
Lincolnshire Devolution: Likely major restructure of local government. Lots of uncertainty at present
4-73/25 – Public Forum
Meeting Dates to be placed on website and notice board once confirmed all dates
5-74/25 – Matters Arising
6-75/25 - Proposed 40mph Speed limit on Uffington Road
Uffington Council members agreed that they wished to fully object to the current proposal and ask for LCC to conduct another review to include the whole stretch of the A1175 to be included in the proposal. The pedestrian crossing point would still sit in the national speed limit and council members feel this needs examining further. A suggestion of painted speed limits on the road to be put forward to LCC. Clerk to contact Cllr Smith and Cllr Baxter
Pro: Cllr Carr Sec: Cllr Genever
7-76/25 – Precept 2025/2026 – Proposal for precept to be set at £6300 to cover all Council expenditure for the next financial year 2025/2026
Cllr Carr sustained from a vote to the proposal
Pro: Cllr Waterfall Sec: Cllr Genever
8-77/25 – Proposal to accept the monthly accounts for December 2024
Uffington Parish Council Accounts December 2024
Expenditure Out
UVH Oct & Nov Hire £30.00
HMRC £117.00
J Hartley Litter Pick December £40.00
Clerks wages Nov & Dec £312.72
Bank balance as at 04.01.2025
Treasurers account: £115.62
Business account: £3065.83
Lloyds Business Savings: £5392.54
Pro: Cllr Carr Sec: Cllr Genever
9-78/25 – Declarations
None received
10-79/25 – Planning
S24/2109 - Ms S Santos, 4 School Lane, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SU - Creation of a dropped kerb to allow vehicle access and removal of section of boundary wall
Uffington Parish Council members object to this proposal on the grounds of safety due to the proximity to the Primary School. The wall is also in the heart of the villages conservation area which members feel strongly that this must be protected. Clerk to raise objections with SKDC
11-80/25 – Correspondence
Two requests for allotments. Clerk to contact regarding enquiries. One plot to be offered to the Primary School
12-81/25- Any Other business
No further updates from the District Council on the dog attack which occurred in December
Meeting closed at 8.35pm
Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall on the provisional date of Monday 24th February at 7pm