May 2024

Uffington Parish Council


Unapproved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 29th May 2024 at 7.45pm


Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Waterfall – Vice Chair, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Carr, Cllr Church, and 1 member of the public
Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


1-12/25 – Election of Chair

Cllr Waterfall was proposed to stand as the new chair for 2024/2025

Pro :  Cllr Church Sec: Cllr Genever

2-13/25 – Election of Vice chair

Cllr Brown was proposed to stand as the new vice chair for 2024/2025

Pro: Cllr Church   Sec: Cllr Waterfall

3-14/25 - Apologies:

Cllr Trollope Bellew and Cllr Vanessa Smith
4-15/25 – Approval of minutes from 3rd April 2024
The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record.

Member of the public noted that the minutes were not visible on the UPC website. Minutes were published on the Village Noticeboard for public. Clerk to check website and advise member of public.

It was noted to minute that the Annual meeting of the Parish was changed to the 5th June 2024 and the Annual meeting of the Parish Council date to 29th May 2024. All agendas and notices were published within the approved time scales

Pro: Cllr Barratt    Sec: Cllr Waterfall

5-16/25 – Public Forum

Streetlight at the T-junction of Lindsey road is obstructed by trees. Clerk to contact landowner
6-17/25 – Matters Arising
Cllr Brown read through the minutes of the previous meeting dated 3rd April 2024

Needham Allen Close parking update – Reponses from both LCC Highways and SKDC housing regarding the parking situation were received. LCC were not in favor of any parking restrictions to be made along the layby adjacent to Needham Allen Close. Support and request would need to be made by District Councilor. Cllrs were unanimous in agreement that they could not support parking over the grass and that the green space should remain. Uffington Parish Council has no jurisdiction over the green space or parking along the layby. Cllrs suggested that residents compile a plan of what is specifically desired and to contact Cllr Vanessa Smith and Cllr Ashley Baxter with their plan.
7-18/25 – School Parking

Concerns raised over parking at school times particularly along Greatford Road and the junction of Somes close. Parking too close to the mini roundabout and blocking view of other road users.

Clerk to contact the School to send out a reminder to be considerate and to make aware that the parking will be monitored by local PCSO. Clerk to contact PCSO regarding walkabout at School times

8 -19/25 – Annual Governance Statement and certificate of Exemption 2023/2024

To resolve and adopt and sign all the documents presented for 2023/24

Pro: Cllr Church   Sec: Cllr Barratt


9- 20/25 – Annual Insurance Policy

Proposal to accept the Council annual insurance

Pro: Cllr Church   Sec: Cllr Barratt

10-21/25 - Accounts and Internal Audit review for financial year 2023/2024

To resolve and adopt and sign all financial and audit documents presented for 2023/24

Pro: Cllr Church   Sec: Cllr Barratt

11-22/25 – Accounts Expenditure April

Uffington Parish Council Accounts April – May 2024

Expenditure Out

K Turner Wages April                                     £156.36

C Harris Grass mowing                                   £75.00

Litter Pick Apr & May                                     £80.00

Total                                                               £311.36

Payments in

Interest                                                           £20.70

Allotment Payments                                      £ 75.00

Precept  SKDC                                                 £4,800


Bank balance as at


Treasurers account:                                        £28.77

Business account:                                            £4812.93

Lloyds Business Savings:                                 £6171.32

Proposal to accept the monthly accounts


Pro: Cllr Church   Sec: Cllr Barratt

12-23/25 – Community Resilience Plan

An Emergency Planning meeting was held on Wednesday 1st May and was attended by Cllr Waterfall.  It was coordinated by SKDC and LCC (Phil Swinton and Mark Garthwaite respectively) for representatives from nearby villages. Very useful information was shared. At least three key people are required to put ideas forward to start to collate ideas on what could be included in our village plan. It is very much a working progress and at the early stages of producing. There is a template that can be completed and the LCC Resilience Team will then help finalise the document. Cllr Genever will also mention the plan at the next VH committee meeting to their members.


13-24/25 – Outside Report
Cllr Vanessa Smith gave the following report;
District Council Report:


Recycling: Following the role out of the twin stream recycling earlier in the year, the contamination rate of the grey bin fell from around 30% to around 17%.  The new paper and card bin was found to have a contamination rate is 1%.  It has always been the council’s intention to reject bins that were obviously contaminated at the kerbside.  However, after abuse from the public these plans were put on hold in February.  The council is now reintroducing this.  Initially there will be a period of advisory tagging of contaminated bin, as before. This will run from 13th May.  However, from 10th June rejections will re-start.  The criteria will be more relaxed than previously. Data will continue to be collected and analysed to ensure resources including education and communication are targeted effectively with the hope that contamination can be minimised as much as is possible over the summer months.  Telephone 01476 406544 or email if you have any concerns.


Review of the SKDC Local Plan: The consultation on the Draft document has now closed.  There will be another consultation later in the year when the Pre-submission document is complete (Regulation 19).


Emergency Planning meeting was held on Wednesday 1st May.  It was coordinated by SKDC and LCC (Phil Swinton and Mark Garthwaite respectively) for representatives from nearby villages. Unfortunately, the event was poorly attended with only members of Uffington and Tallington PCs being present. Very useful information was shared. Key points: If a village or group of villages would like to put together a plan a group at least three key people are required. There is a template that can be completed and the LCC Resilience Team will then help finalise the document. LCC Resilience Team have a drone which has been used for mapping relevant areas.  Once a plan is drawn up, residents can sign up to an SMS service for local alerts.  A box with emergency supplies is given to the village for safe keeping to be ready for times of need.  If someone would like to get involved with assisting in emergencies but a local emergency plan is not drawn up they can be trained up to be a 'Ready for Anything' volunteer.


Recent local elections: As well as the re-election of the Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, SKDC also saw elections for the newly formed Grantham Parish Council.


Flooding: Section 19 report from LCC is due by August 2024. I have no further updates.


Anglian Water Pipeline: I have raised this matter with the enforcement team at SKDC as work seems to have stalled and other PCs have asked how long this will be for and whether the land could be restored in the meantime. AW have provided the following statement to SKDC: Work is still progressing, however as we’ve experienced the wettest winter on record and continue to be impacted by the exceptional circumstances that are affecting large infrastructure projects such as the continued impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, labour shortages, supply issues caused by the war in Ukraine there has been an impact on our delivery programme.  As a business we remain 100% committed to delivering the entirety of the programme and all of the environmental obligations associated with it. However, because of the challenges we’ve faced and continue to face, we are rephasing some of the work planned in the region and are working through these options with the relevant stakeholders.  The committed works will be completed but the programme is being re-jigged.  Furthermore, the SKDC officer has provided the following additional comments:

In terms of planning controls, while there is condition requiring the land to be reinstated, we do not have any control over the time period for the construction of the project.


To view any SKDC active consultations go to: There is currently a consultation running on the SKDC Economic Development Strategy (Closes 9th June 2024)


Mallard Pass: The decision by the SoS has been postponed and is now due by 13th June  (I do not know what impact the General Election will have on this)


SKDC facebook team are asking for all tourism venues, local community groups and businesses who are planning events in South Kesteven over the summer (June to September) to get in touch so that they can help promote events in the District


SKToday: Now digital


Funding: 1. UKSPF: Funding still available, particularly for Green Space interventions 2. Mini Orchard fund is still available


Uffington Specific:


Parking at Needham Allen Close: Cllr Trollope Bellew has been in touch with SKDC Officers and further information is awaited.

Drainage along Casewick Lane: I have raised an issue with a drain in the road on FixMyStreet on behalf of a resident.


14-25/25 - Declarations of Interest – None received

15-26/25 - Planning

S24/0452 – Ms. S Santos, 4 School Lane, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SU- Full Planning permission requested for creation of a dropped kerb to allow vehicular access.

Uffington Council strongly objects to this planning application on the grounds of safety due to the close proximity to Uffington Primary school and the footpath being heavily used. The stone wall is in the heart of the conservation area and should be preserved and careful consideration made to the effect on the surrounding listed buildings.

S24/0699 – Mr. Henry Wells, Grange Farm, Greatford Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4ST - Erection of garage.

No objections raised

  1. - Mr Henry Wells, Grange Farm, Greatford Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4ST - Change of use of agricultural grazing land to form extension of garden, and erection of swimming pool and changing room/plant room.

No objections raised

Planning Inspectorate APP/E2530/D/22/3303369: 2 School Lane, Uffington Lincs, PE9 4SU - S22/0722 Appeal allowed with conditions – The appeal decision specifies the materials must be to match the external materials used in the dwellinghouse, with the conditions listed on the appeal decision notice.

Council awaits SKDC investigation on comments submitted to District regarding the builds materials used on S22/0722

16-27/25 – Correspondence

Mallard Pass - The Planning inspectorate confirmed that there will be no development decisions during the pre-election period. The decision on Mallard Pass is no longer expected to be made on 13th June 2024. Updates will be issued after the General Election on 4th July 2024 has taken place

17-28/25- Any Other business
Cllr Church wishes to strim the footpath along the School playing field. No objections raised and thanks were given for his volunteering.

Large foliage encroaching onto footpath at Somes Close.  Await until after nesting season to reassess

Flytipping on Essendine road still emains despite numerous reports to SKDC

Cllr Genever to raise at the next VH committee meeting for an update on funds raised at Uffington Scarecrow event.

Unfortunately two of the applications submitted to the SKDC prosperity fund for the nature reserve project in the village and the Heritage trail were sadly declined by SKDC despite hard efforts and comprehensive requests from the Village Hall and Council members.

Uffington archive minutes have been kindly being recorded and handwritten by Mrs. Dianne Brown for the past 3 years. Cllr Brown requested for the minutes to be recorded and printed electronically in the future. Clerk to investigate

Meeting closed at 9.05pm


Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall provisionally on Wednesday 24th July 2024 at 7.45pm