Approved Minutes 280922

Uffington Parish Council


Unapproved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 28th September at 7.45pm


Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan – Vice Chairman, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Church, Cllr Genever and one member of public

Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


The Council observed a 1 minute silence for HM Queen Elizabeth II


1-31/2022 - Apologies: Cllr Kelham Cooke and Cllr R Trollope-Bellew


2-32/2022 - Approval of minutes from 17th August 2022


The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record subject to the spelling of Somes Trust

Pro: Cllr Barratt Sec: Cllr Church



3-33/2022 – Matters Arising and Clerks Report

Cllr Brown read through previous matters rising from minutes dated 17th August. It was noted that Casewick Lane has been improved with the recent road surfacing. The PC will continue to monitor.

The remaining Jubilee Mugs were to be taken to Church by the Clerk and Cllr Hutchins on Friday 30th September.

Wooden bollards and chains outside of Bertie Lane bungalows have still not been fixed by SKDC. Clerk to report again and to contact Cllr Trollope Bellew. The Parish Council can only chase up the authority responsible for the maintenance

Annual allotment meeting to be held on Sunday 9th October at 11am. All tenants have been contacted.

Cllr Brown has contacted Mr. Genever regarding the hedges to be cut back along Casewick Lane

Clerk to contact Cllr Trollope Bellew and LCC highways manager regarding the footpath outside of Croft Farm for an update regarding the poor state of the pavement

Cllr Brown gave an update on the Play area. Cllr Hutchins kindly organised and purchased all new signs for the playground including a newly updated list of sponsors/donators. New brass plaques have also been purchased for the playground bench kindly donated by the Village Hall and for the newly installed memorial bench. Cllr Brown purchased the new see- saw footrests and repaired fence panels

Members of the playground group will have the signs and plaques fixed and also arrange for a meeting in October to clear away the nettles that have taken over the wildflower area and some general maintenance of the area. Cllr Sheehan has added some seeds to the wild flower area.

4-34/2022 – Approval of PKF Littlejohn Invoice for completion of external audit


5-35/2022 – Village Hall Requests

The item raised regarding the Parish Councils involvement in the management of the village archive was raised. Cllr Sheehan explained that he was involved originally in the setup of

the archive but as a resident of the village only and not as a Councillor.

The Parish Council resumes no responsibility for the village archive in the Village Hall.

Father Aran has requested that the official book of condolence be kept in the Village Hall archive.

Clerk to contact the VH Committee with information given from LCC Highways in response to the request for a footpath extension along Greatford Road to UCC.

The footpath request has been logged and put on file.

A request has been received for a mirror to be placed on the corner of Casewick Lane to aid pedestrians trying to cross the junction. Clerk to consult LCC highways about this

A request was raised to move the playground picnic bench nearer to the play equipment. It was noted that this had already happened and the bench already moved. The Parish Council did not want the opportunity for anyone to be able to stand on the bench to overlook into the gardens of Lindsey Road. The Parish Council are happy with where the bench has now been placed.

6-36/2022 – Tree Maintenance Quote

The Council received quotations for tree maintenance on Lindsey Road, Manners Close and the allotments. Quotes were received to deadwood and crown the two trees outside of 31 Lindsey Road

It was decided that the expenditure was too high for the Parish Council.

The maintenance of the hedges at the allotments will be discussed with tenant holders at the annual allotment meeting in October 2022. A comment to keep the Hawthorn hedge was made but the question on who maintains it was asked. Tenants cannot be expected to maintain large areas of the allotments. In order to omit cost several Councillors volunteered to trim the trees along Manners Close and Cllr Genever agreed to kindly dispose of any rubbish. A second quote to be obtained for maintenance of the two large trees outside of 31 Lindsey Road to compare costs.

Clerk to contact LCC regarding the hedge along Casewick Lane which have unprotected overhead electrical cables running through

It was proposed that the maintenance at the allotments be discussed with tenants at the annual meeting, Councillors to undertake maintenance along Manners Close and for a second quote to be obtained in relation to the two trees in Lindsey Road


Pro: Cllr Church Sec: Cllr Hutchins



7-37/2022 – Code of Conduct and Standing order policies

Cllr Brown asked if Councillors had all read the policy. Confirmed

Proposal to adopt the policy with no amendments


Pro: Cllr Church Sec: Cllr Barratt


Cllr Genever left the meeting


NALC standing orders regulatory document reviewed by the Council members. Proposal to adopt the model with amendments to public participation time (15 minutes), contribution of a Councillor (10 mins) and meeting length time (to not exceed 2 hours)

Pro: Cllr Sheehan Sec: Cllr Hutchins


8-38/2022 – Outside Reports

Cllr Cooke monthly report circulated and can be viewed on the website


 9-39/2022 – Accounts Expenditure Out


Clerks Wages August   £160.64

Stamps                          £8.16

J Hartley Litter Pick       £40.00

C Harris Grass cutting   £65.00

Total                               £273.80


Payments in

Interest                        £0.21


Bank balance as at      20.09.22

Treasurers account:    £4,390.25

Business account:       £4,888.76


Melton Building Society account: £1,637.80

Clerk to organise a new account to be opened for Playground funds and to close Melton Mowbray account

Proposal to accept financial accounts for September

Pro: Cllr Church Sec: Cllr Sheehan



10-40/2022 – Declaration of interest – None received

11/41/2022 – Planning

S22/1764 - Mr D Cornish, Old Shop Cottage, 61 Main Road, Uffington, Lincolnshire, PE9 4SN - Removal of Dead Silver Birch Tree (indicated by red dot) and cutting back of overhanging branches from next doors trees (2 Limes and a Horse Chestnut)

- No objections or comments received

12-42/2022 – Correspondence None

13-43/2022– Any Other Business

Council members were invited to comment on any other matters

Cllr Church notes that the Queensgate vaccination centre is due to close on 31/12/2022 and that works at number 8 School Lane seemed disorganised and lengthy

Cllr Hutchins raised the issue of the Parish Council laptop which needs repairing or replacing. Clerk to back up all files and send details of the current laptop to Cllr Barratt to investigate new computer options available and costs.

Cllr Hutchins was made aware by a resident that issues had been raised by residents to LCC regarding Gatehouse corner on the exit from the village. Suggestions of rumble strips or a reduction in Speed limit were made. The Parish Council wish to include their support on this

It was reported that the hedges and trees along the bus stop on Main Road were overgrown and looked untidy and messy. Clerk to contact land owner with request for this to be maintained

A Village Hall representative kindly submitted a piece to Towers and Spires regarding the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the village involvement in the occasion.

Clerk to include a reminder in Tower and Spires after Christmas to remind residents of the May local elections and to raise awareness.


Next Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday 16th November 2022 at 7.45pm at Uffington Village Hall

Meeting closed at 9.15pm