April 2024

Uffington Parish Council


Approved Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Uffington Village Hall on Wednesday 3rd April 2024 at 7.45pm


Present: Barrie Brown – Chairman, Cllr Waterfall – Vice Chair, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Carr, Cllr Church, and 4 members of the public
Clerk – Mrs. K Turner


1-1/25 - Apologies: Cllr Genever, Cllr Trollope Bellew and Cllr Vanessa Smith
2-2/25 – Approval of minutes from 21st February 2024
The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record


Pro: Cllr Barratt Sec: Cllr Waterfall
3-3/25 – Matters Arising
Cllr Brown read through the minutes of the previous meeting dated 21st February 2024.
Cllrs discussed if there were any free open areas for a minimum of 5 trees to be planted as part of the Coronation Orchard initiative. Space at the allotments would be investigated. The community resilience plan is being directed by SKSDC and a provisional date in May has been suggested. Await further details from SKDC

Trough cleaning date to be decided once again when the current weather conditions improve.
4-4/25 – Cllr Brown updated Council members on small remedial works to the paly area that had been carried out since the last meeting, spacer fitted and bench fixings. Algae removal will be done one the weather conditions approve and possibly to be done in the lighter evenings when the play park is not being used. Sign to be put up and fencing around the equipment so that it is not to be used while the algae is being treated. Date to be confirmed. Quotes were obtained by the Clerk for the HIC testing of the play equipment and this was agreed by Cllrs for the testing to go ahead by HAGS UK
5 -5/25 – Provisional dates for the annual meetings were agreed as 29th May 2024 for Annual Parish Meeting and 5th June 2024 for the Annual Parish Council Meeting. Both to be held in the Village Hall

6-6/25 – Accounts - Monthly accounts and bank balances were presented for agreement

Uffington Parish Council Accounts March 2024

Expenditure Out

Clerks Wages Feb                                           £188.36

Stamps                                                            £6

Anglian Water                                                £94.09

HAGS UK                                                         £210.00

LALC                                                                £243.68

Total                                                               £553.77

Payments in

Interest                                                           £8.34

Allotment Payments                                      £187.50


Bank balance as at 25.03.2024


Treasurers account:                                        £723.88

Business account:                                            £767.78

Lloyds Business Savings:                                 £6,151.36 (reserves)

Proposal to accept the monthly accounts


Pro: Cllr Waterfall              Sec: Cllr Church
7-7/25 – Outside Reports
Cllr Vanessa Smith gave the following report;
Review of the SKDC Local Plan: The Local Plan for the District has been reviewed due to certain aspects of need and site allocation.  As part of this it has become clear that more sites are needed for the delivery of the required quota of housing across the district (701 per year until 2041 - previously 650 per year). The local plan can be viewed online.  A public consultation runs until 25th April https://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/draft-local-plan-consultation Two public webinars, run by the SKDC Planning Officers, are being held on 20th March and 11th April at 7:30pm to cover a range of topics including housing, employment, climate change and design; these events will be streamed live via the Council’s Public-I channel. If you miss the sessions but would like to watch, they have been recorded and can still be viewed online.


Budget: SKDC full council has approved a 3% rise in SKDC's element of the Council Tax for this financial year.


Mini-orchard funding: As per previous email Up to £1,500 available for parish councils and community groups to apply for to create a mini-orchard to celebrate the Kings coronation. https://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/news/2024/coronation-orchards-bloom-across-south-kesteven


Flooding: SKDC’s response was reviewed at their Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 18th March.  A Section 19 investigation on behalf of LCC is expected by August 2024. Tallington are still experiencing ongoing issues due to blocked surface drains which run underneath the railway. 


Recycling: Purple lidded bins should now be used for paper and card with all other mixed dry recycling suitable for kerbside collection (as per leaflet) being put into the grey bin.  From 5th February the plan had been to reject bins which were found to be contaminated with the wrong items. However, during the first two days of this stage of the rollout program around 20% of bins were rejected for reasons of contamination and council staff became subject to an unacceptable level of verbal abuse from members of the public. Rejected bins have since been collected and the council has decided to embark on an extended period of advisory tagging and education. Telephone 01476 406544 or email recycling@southkesteven.gov.uk if you have any issues


UKSPF: There is around £170,000 left in the green spaces intervention (E3: Creation of and improvements to local green spaces) and council would welcome any applications that fall in this category. The link to apply can be found here: https://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/UKSPF  For information, the deadline for applications to go to the next Board meeting is 9am Monday, 15th April


To view any SKDC active consultations go to: https://www.southkesteven.gov.uk/your-council-and-democracy/have-your-say/current-consultations



Newstead Street Light: I understand that these have now been taken on as a SKDC asset and have been repaired. Thanks to Cllr Baxter for his help with this.

Greatford Road Street Lights: I reported these on FixMyStreet but have not had an update. 


8-8/25-    Declarations of Interest – None received

9-9/25-     Planning

S24/0442 - St Michael And All Angels' Church Main Road Uffington, Lincolnshire PE9 4SN - Section 211 Notice to fell NT1 - Cypress, crown lift T146 - Holly from 3m above ground level, remove limb and crown lift T540 - common lime, fell T545 - common lime, crown lift T547 - common lime to 6m above highway and crown lift T553 - common lime to clear building. Several Cllrs met with the applicants and no objections were raised

10-10/25 – Correspondence

Needham Allen Close- members of the public in attendance were given the opportunity to talk on the subject of conflict of parking in the village along the layby. There are currently 7 spaces for vehicles with most of the houses requiring two spaces each. The layby is currently the only available parking for the residents of Needham Allen Close. Recent occurrences of works vehicles, visitors to the village etc. have resulted in a lack of parking for residents which has also caused problems for farm and agricultural vehicles to pass through Casewick Lane easily. The green space is not owned by the Parish Council but of SKDC.

A proposal was put forward for the Clerk to request a resident only parking sign from SKDC to be placed on the green

Pro: Cllr Waterfall              Sec: Cllr Church

It was also suggested to the residents of Needham Allen Close to prepare a plan to approach SKDC with alternative parking ideas.
The item regarding funding ideas form Cllr Genever was moved to the next PC meeting

The village walkabout with LCC in 2023 did not include Newstead. Going forward, Newstead will be included in any village walkabout with Highways

Clerk to contact LCC for an update on the issues raised with LCC in July 2023 in particular to highlight the need for path resurfacing

11-11/25- Any Other business
Cllr Barratt has reported the streetlight at the end of Lindsey Rd that is currently not working. Cllr Church noted that the grass verges along Main Road had been left in a mess due to works. Allotment paperwork to be sent to new allotment tenants

Meeting closed at 9.05pm


Next Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall Wednesday 29th May 2024