1 August 2019

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 1st August 2019

Present: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Genever, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Hartley, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf , Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes), PCSO Michelle Laughton, Mrs V Kimberley, Mr R Irvine, Mr T Lennon, Mr A Finch.


1. Minutes of the previous parish council meeting 20th June - agreed as a true record.

Prop. Cllr Sheehan, Sec Cllr Hutchins.


2. Matters arising.

Parking. PCSO’s are continuing to monitor parking in the village. Only if a car is parked fully on a footpath or in front of a driveway can the PCSO’s issue a ticket.

Bird wire. Fitted and appears to be working.

Pot holes. Continue to be a problem. Some have been mended.

Drainage. Camera and suction have been used in Casewick Lane/School Lane but problem has not been resolved. Clerk to follow up.

Speedwatch scheme. 21 people are interested in helping with this scheme. PCSO offered support. Councillors agreed that the Parish Council will fund the cost of this. Cllr Hartley to look into next steps to get the scheme up and running.


3. Reports from outside bodies

PCSO Michelle Laughton reported that there have been an increased number of vehicle thefts. Thieves are targeting keyless entry cars.

There has also been a recent shed break-in in Uffington. Residents are advised to be vigilant.


4. Correspondence -none


5. Declarations of interest - none


6. Planning

S19/0730 Teesdale. Resiting of school shop structure Location: Copthill School Barnack Road Uffington PE9 3AD. Decision notice received from SKDC – permission granted.

S19/0809 Ms Rachel Cardall. Extension to form a single storey garden room to rear. The Stables Essendine Road Uffington PE9 4SR Decision notice received from SKDC – permission granted.

S19/1038 Mrs T Arntson, The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick

Reduce 1 x ash & 1 x hawthorn. Decision notice received from SKDC – permission granted.

S19/1039 Mrs T Arntson, The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick

Reduce 1x cherry tree The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick. Decision notice received from SKDC – permission granted.

S19/1127 Mr & Mrs J Allport. Proposed new single storey extension.The Lodge , Casewick Park, Casewick, PE9 4RX. No objections raised.

S19/1128 Listed Building Consent linked to S19/1127. No objections raised.

S19/1144 Listed Building Consent

Julia Wight. Conversion of redundant stable block/barn to create ancillary annexe accommodation to host dwelling and installation of solar panels on rear roofslope. The Barn, Casewick Park, Casewick. . No objections raised.

S19/1118 Full planning permission linked to S19/1144.No objections raised.

S19/1241 Mr Lennon. Erection of 2 storey detached dwellings with associated access and landscaping. 9-21 Main Road, Uffington.

The PC does not object to the proposed development subject to certain provisos.

The elevation overlooking the existing bungalow has a large number of windows. There were concerns about the privacy aspect of the windows and it was noted that there must be a suitable distance between these two dwellings.

The plan is to create a framed visual amenity - the Councillors agree that it is very important to preserve the view and the overall look of the village.

Councillors are anxious that existing mature trees bordering the south side of the site should be preserved to screen the proposed two houses and maintain a rustic feel to the approach to the Conservation Area.

There are concerns about the visibility of the vehicular access onto Main Road.


7. Bank signatories

Confirmation was received from the bank on 30th June that the new signatories have been added.


8. Accounts

Grass cutting 04/07 & 15/07 £110.00

Bird wire £75.30

Litter picking June & July £80.00

Clerk wages July 169.35 (gross)

Bank balances at end of July 2019 ((before all of the above are taken into account):

Treasurers account £ 8398.29

Deposit account £ 844.72


9. Any other business

The hedgerow in Lindsey Road is untidy. Residents are able to tidy this. Local farmers cut it last year and are only able to cut it back every two years in accordance with the ministry of agriculture guidelines.

Footpath across school field. Gate post on Casewick Lane side of footpath is broken. Clerk to report.

Paths on Lindsey Road. Weeds are growing through the surface. Clerk to report.

Bus shelter. Tile missing and guttering broken. Cllr Genever has a spare tile and this will be mended.

Footpaths in Newstead. Overgrown paths. Clerk to contact highways.


Meeting closed at 9pm.


Next meeting 11th September at 7:30pm Uffington Village Hall. All welcome