2 April 2020

Minutes of the Uffington Parish Council Meeting held remotely on Thursday 2nd April 2020 at 7:30pm

Present by email: Cllr Brown – Chairman, Cllr Hutchins, Cllr Barratt, Cllr Woolf, Cllr Sheehan, Cllr Hartley. Clerk – Mrs L Thurston (Minutes)


Minutes of the previous parish council meeting - agreed as a true record.

Prop: Cllr Barratt , Sec: Cllr Hutchins


In the absence of an extraordinary meeting, the following actions were agreed by councillors as part of an ongoing contingency plan in respect of the COVID-19 virus:

Barrie Brown to remain as chairman until the AGM is held.

The AGM should be postponed until the restrictions allow a return to holding public meetings or the legislation changes.

The clerk should collate and record any decisions taken online. These can be confirmed and recorded at future meetings.

The clerk should be given delegated powers (consulting with the chairman and vice chairman) to officially postpone and cancel meetings, communicate and implement any decisions taken online by the parish council.

Prop: Cllr Sheehan, Sec: Cllr Barratt


1. Matters arising.

Acknowledgement received from SKDC re: no parking signs Needham Allen Close.

Main Road sign junction of Casewick Lane - fixed.

Main Road sign outside number 1 Main Road – reported again.

Parish council summit postponed.

Website training postponed.

Clerk has requested details about additional bins from SKDC.

Playground closed – notices have been put up and seem to be being observed.


2. Reports from outside bodies.

All information about COVID-19, how this impacts services and help available is on the website http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Uffington/


3. Correspondence

Broadband provider

Clerk has received communication from a provider who is keen to set up a meeting. Councillors agreed that there may be a demand in the parish but a meeting cannot be arranged for the foreseeable future. Action: Clerk to retain details with a view to a future meeting.

Adult exercise equipment

Councillors have been asked whether adult exercise equipment could be added to the play area. There were some concerns about adults exercising in a children´s play area. Action: Clerk to find out more and report back.


4. APM/AGM – External auditors have not given final details yet and no legislation has been amended with reference to annual meetings.


5. Covid-19 planning and documentation. The Uffington group of churches is providing a hub for help where it is needed. Councillors expressed huge thanks to Father Aran and his groups of volunteers.


6. Accounts

Litter picking March £40.00

Clerk March wages £169.35 (gross)

Bank balances at end of March (before all of the above are taken into account)

Treasurers account £ 887.97

Deposit account £5814.19

Prop: Cllr Hutchins. Sec: Cllr Hartley


7. AOB

S20/0500 Plot adjacent to 19 Somes Close. Full planning permission for the erection of 1 x bungalow.

Cllr Hartley declared an interest.

Clarification needed from SKDC regarding the planning system. No decision yet received on the outline/reserved matters application. Action: Clerk to contact planning officer.


Meeting closed: 21:00


Next meeting: Proposed 21st May 2020 but awaiting further legislation.